英语作文: 李小年你好:我想请你下周日晚上六点来参加我的生日聚会。 在聚会上,我们可以玩游戏,


Dear Linli。喔 顺便一提 几天前帮我指导的ABC天卞口语的外教要我明白,事实上要掌握好英语很简单的;坚持要有一个好的研习情境和进修口语对象 重点就是老师教学经验 纯正欧美口音很重要 持续经常口语学习 1对1加强化教学就有最.好.的进步效率~学习后同样要复习听取录音文档 好巩固知识点!若真的是没有练习对象 只能去旺旺或沪江取得课外学习资料阅读,多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想 很快的语境就培养起来,整体效果肯定会达成目标的;Next urday is my birthday. I will have a party over at my house, and I hope that you would be able to come. The party start at :0 pm. I live in Najing Rd,#0. You can get there by taking bus #1 or #, get off at the RenMing Road station, then you can find my house just on the other side of the station. It's a red house and have a wte door, it should be pretty easy to find. Hope to see you next urday.回答的有了晚了哈。