


name:kissing a frog can always brings you a prince




旁白(头上插枝花):long long ago,a bueatiful princess who was as bueatifull as a

(开始思考,突然大悟,取下头上的花)right! flower.

she is lonely so the Queen of love promised a prince of frog for her,she told her to go out one day(公出场)

the princess walks near the castle and

公主(以下简称公)台词:Oh,Venus,Queen of love,can you tell me where is my fate?where is my handsome prince?where is the prince of frog?

白:Suddenly,she discovered that she had walked in to a strange forest,when suddenly again, a frog appeared in front of her.(青蛙把王子的照片藏在领子里,出场,蹲在地上,要表现出自己很脏很邋遢,但不能让人恶心,记住)

公:(惊喜)Oh Venus,thank you my Queen of love,I see it,I see the frog.let me see,(走过去)
oh my god,this frog is so.........(闻闻,然后捏住鼻子,犹豫,来回走),is it really the frog for me?(看看周围,)aren't there any other frogs?

这时,早就在场边待命的干净青蛙,跳动起来:YES YES other frogs we are here ,see? we are here.(重复说we are here!)旁白冲过去,敲那些“青蛙”的头,说:“sh.......sh.........shut up ,shut up....."

脏青蛙(很不耐烦):excuse me my lady? please tell me how long you want to keep me waiting?
公主:(惊慌,,,赶紧给它洗澡。。。。。。)don't be angry lovely little frog,you need a shower first.旁白过来用花把它扫干净。

2,Giving the Seeding a Hand ,

Long long ago, in ancient China, there lived a farmer .He was worried about his

seeding growing too slowly . 

One day ,he went to the farmland and pulled up the seeding one by one .

Whenhereturned home ,he was very exhausted."I am tired out today,”he said to 

hisfamily ,"I helped the seeding to grow." 

His son was surprised . He hurried to the fields to see what had happened .It turned

out that all the seeding had shriveled up. 





他的儿子很奇怪就跑去田里看到地发生了什么。一看所有的秧苗都枯萎了 这是拔苗助长的故事.
