

    good morning.
    godd morning.
    my name is Xx,what is your name?
    my name is XXX,nice to meet you.

    -- Hi! (for informal situation)

    -- Hello! (for informal situation)

    -- Hullo! (for informal situation)

    -- Good morning/afternoon/evening. (for more formal situation)

    Extended greetings at the first meeting:

    -- Nice to meet you. (-- Nice to meet you, too.)

    -- How do you do! (--Nice to meet you.) (for more formal situation)

1. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。

二个素不认识的老美见面打招呼的方式很简单,就是一个人先说"Nice to meet you", 另一个人说 "Nice to meet you, too",然后相互握手。但人多的时候, 你不可能一个一个说 "Nice to meet you",这时简单说"Hi" 就可以了,但这么说不适用于比较正式的场合。

2. Give me a hug.给我一个拥抱吧。

如果两个人相识已久,见面再说"Nice to meet you" 反而显得有点见外。这时候通常问候一句 "How are you doing" 或者 "What's up" 比较好一些。如果两个人还是不错的朋友,就会彼此拥抱一下。当然啦,拥抱之前不一定要说 "Give me a hug",只要看到人家张开双手,你就可以迎上去拥抱啦。

3. Do you want to exchange numbers? 你想不想交换电话呢?

如果是学生的社交场合,要不要名片就不是那么重要了。这时你可以尝试跟对方交换电话号码。你可以说 "Do you want to exchange numbers" 或是直截了当要对方的电话 "Could I have your phone number"。当然,第一次见面就要对方电话感觉好像怪怪的,所以你也可以跟对方要 E-mail address 或是 ICQ number。
