

1. Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. 多梦和多言,其中多有虚幻。–《旧·传》
2. 你当机警如蛇,纯良似鸽。
3. He who gathers crops in summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son.夏天聚敛的,是智慧之子。收割时沉睡的,是贻羞之子。–《旧·箴》
4. 恨能挑起争端,爱能遮掩一切过错。
5. “我又专心察明智慧、狂妄和愚昧,乃知这也是捕风。因为多有智慧,就多有愁烦;加增知识的,就加增忧伤。”(《旧约·传道书》第1章)
6. Before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, or the wheel broken at the well. 瓶子在泉旁损坏,水轮在井口破烂。–《旧·传》
7. 不论做什么,不从私见,也不求虚荣,只存心谦下,彼此该想自己不如人:各人不可只顾自己的事,也该顾及别人的事。
8. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.引到灭亡,那门是宽的,路是大的,进去的人也多。–《新·太》
9. Discontent makes the rich poor, and contentment makes the poor rich.
10. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。
11. No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God. 手扶著犁向后看的,不配进神的国。–《新·路》
12. 不要让慈祥和忠贞离开你,要将她们系在你的头上,刻在你的心版上;这样,你在天主和世人面前,必获得宠幸和恩爱。
13. 捉一只蝴蝶送你愿你拥有快乐的翅膀,兜一丝清风给你愿你心情舒畅,采一株小草送你愿你无比坚强,发一个短信给你愿你天天神采飞扬, 不管在路边海边天边,主的爱一直陪在你的身边!
14. 你们应该彼此相爱,因为爱德遮盖许多罪过;要彼此款待,而不出怨言。
15. Pay attention to what everyone thinks is good.
16. You who tell you in secret, speak in the light.
17. 情感的完全寂静,乃是随从灵而行。
18. 你不与世俗分开,世俗要将你与神分开。
19. 那里有两个或三个人,因我的名字聚在一起,我就在他们中间。
20. 不要论断人,以免被论断。