
Drinking water standards
In 1974, Congress passed the safe dringking water act (sdwa),setting up a regulatory prongram among local, state, and federal agencies to help ensure safe drinking water in the united states.thesate drinking water act states that public water systems must provide water treatment, monitor drinking water to ensure proper quality, and provide public notification of contaminant problems.regulations implementing the act established drinking water standards(maximum contaminant levels and treatment technique requirements) for avariety of chemicals, metals,and pathogens.amendments continue to strengthen the act and enhance drinking water quality. Significant penalties are imposed for non-compliance.the sdwa applies to all public water systems, defined as having at least 15 service connections or a regularly serving at least 25 individuals. States are required to enact their own drinking water regulations that are at least as stringent as Federal sandards. Sdwa protects drinking water supplies through required treatment, testing, and reporting. The sdwa established a permitting program for underground injection wells. It also requires protection of aquifers and groundwater and surface water sources for drinking water supplies. The sdwa requires that maximum contaminant levels or treatment technique requirements be established for specific inorganic chemical, organic chemicals,bacteria,and radioactive elements. Sdwa also sets secondary (non-enforcealbe) standards for parameters that affect aesthetic qualities relating to public acceptance of drinking water. These include color,corrosivity, foaming agents, odor, and metals. Epa is continually in the process of selecting new contaminants for which to establish drinking water standards.

在1974年,美国国会通过的安全dringking水行为( sdwa ) ,建立管理prongram地方,州和联邦机构,以帮助确保安全的饮用水在美国states.thesate饮水法规定,公共供水系统必须提供水治疗,监测饮用水,以确保适当的质量,并提供公共通知污染物problems.regulations执行的行为建立饮用水标准(最高污染物水平和治疗技术的需求)为avariety的化学品,金属和pathogens.amendments继续加强行为和提高饮用水质量。重大处罚实施非compliance.the sdwa适用于所有公共供水系统,定义为至少有15个服务的关系,或定期服务的至少有25个人。各国必须制定自己的饮水条例,至少有一样严格联邦sandards 。 Sdwa保护饮用水供应需要通过治疗,测试和报告。该sdwa设立了一个计划,允许地下注水井。它也需要保护含水层和地下水和地表水来源的饮用水供应。该sdwa要求最高污染物水平或处理技术要求确定具体无机化学,有机化学品,细菌和放射性元素。 Sdwa还规定中学(非enforcealbe )的标准参数,审美素质的影响有关公众接受的饮用水。这些措施包括颜色,腐蚀性剂,发泡剂,气味,和金属。美国环保局正在不断的过程中,选择新的污染物为建立饮用水标准。
第1个回答  2008-11-15
safe drinking water act 是 饮用水安全法案, Act 是法案的意思。

第2个回答  2008-11-04