

How to expand English vocabulary English is an important language of communication, it contains culture is more worth learning. As English society devoted more and more attention, learning English has become increasingly important, and the expansion of English vocabulary has become an important factor in the current learning English. If we learn a foreign language than to build a house for that word it can be regarded as a piece of brick walls. There are many millions of English vocabulary, how to expand your vocabulary and improve memory effect, which is in the middle there is a certain way to follow. Try to use English to express every thing. You can look at an environment where there is something like a room with walls, lights, doors, windows, televisions and so on, and then try to use English to express, not only for beginners in English who apply, but some of the higher level of English people are also suitable, because not everything is in front of it can be expressed with the proper English, so the daily accumulation of vocabulary is very important. Try to make every term as alive. Lenovo or look at, this thing is what to make, what purpose, etc., and then in English to describe. Describe a TV size, color, switching, and other functions can use a lot of words, which can be extended apart from nouns to adjectives, verbs to adjectives, adjectives to adverbs, verbs to nouns, etc., so you can take advantage of word formation expand our vocabulary. Interest is the best teacher. Students can take advantage of a wide range of educational resources, sharing online resources. With the rapid development of modern educational technology, the role of the media in English Learning more obvious, textbook knowledge is lagging behind, so the use of the network vocabulary may well be a lively and effective way. Meanwhile, media classic English songs Appreciation is also extended vocabulary effective way both interesting and effective. Extracurricular Reading Expo wide. Students can review, a good grasp of basic textbook knowledge, as much as possible to increase the amount of reading, practice reading skills. Students can subscriptions all English newspapers and magazines to be read English novels, vocabulary, the easier issues first, if sustained, there will be results. Accumulation of vocabulary at the same time developing positive sense of language in reading. Learning English for non-English speaking students in our country is a long and arduous thing. Moreover, it is used as a communication tool for the learner has many requirements. Extended vocabulary is an important part. Maintain a good mood and learning strong interest in learning more imitation, recitation and opening and then through continuous accumulation, sum up, improve, you will be able to learn English.