
冀教版六年级上册 语文数学英语科学期中题c


班级 姓名 得分
1. 40千克= 吨 小时=( )分
2. 100的 是75 25吨是( )吨的13
3. 9的倒数是( );( )的倒数是 。
4. 千克黄豆可以榨油528 , 1千克黄豆可以榨油( )千克,榨1千克油需要( )千克黄豆。
5. 3.5= =( )÷6= =( ):( )最简比
6. 甲数是乙数的 ,乙数与甲乙总数的比是( ),两数的差相当于乙数的 。
7. 在○里填上“>”、“<”或“=”。
78 ×54 ○ 54 1× ○1÷ 14 ÷0.1○14 ×10
8. 8吨煤,用去14 后,再用去14 吨,一共用去( )吨。
9. 一个比的前项是16 ,比值是13 ,后项是( )。
10. 走一段路,甲用了15小时,乙用了10小时,甲与乙所行时间的最简比是( ),甲与乙行走的速度比的比值是( )。
11. 某班女生比男生少5人,男女生人数的比是3:2,这个班共( )人。
1. 两个因数都是34 ,求它们的积的列式为34 ×2。 ( )
2. a、b都是不为0的自然数,已知a× =b÷ ,则a<b。 ( )
3. 甲数的14 和乙数 13 相等,则甲乙两数的比是 4:3 ( )
4. 在3:8中,前项增加6,要使比值不变,后项应该扩大3倍。( )
1. 因为 × =1,所以( )。
A. 是倒数 B. 是倒数 C. 和 都是倒数 D. 和 互为倒数
2. a是一个不为0的自然数,下列各式中,得数最大的是 ( )。
A.a× B. ÷a C.a÷ D. ÷
3. 从甲堆煤中取出15 给乙堆,这时两堆煤的吨数相等,原来甲、乙两堆煤的吨数的比是( )。
A.5 : 4 B.6 : 5 C.5 : 3 D.3 : 5
4. 100克糖水中有25克糖,糖与糖水的比和糖与水的比分别为( )。
A.1 : 4和1: 3 B.1 : 4和1 : 5 C.1 : 5和1 : 4 D.1 : 5和1: 3
21× = ÷2= × = ÷ =
512 ÷56 = 12÷ = 1÷59 = 536 ×0=
1112 x= 56 ÷x= 34 x÷25 =

+ × ÷2 [1-( + )]÷

( + - )×24 × + ÷4

2- ÷ - [4-( - )]×

(1)56除以8个 的和,商是多少? (2)一个数的 是120的 ,求这个数。

1. 小伟和小英给希望工程捐款钱数的比是2 :5。小英捐了35元,小伟捐了多少元?

2. 电视机厂今年计划比去年增产 。去年生产电视机 万台,今年计划增产多少万台?

3. 某村要挖一条长2700米的水渠,已经挖了1050米,再挖多少米正好挖完这条水渠的 ?

4. 某校少先队员采集树种,四年级采集了 千克,五年级比四年级多采集 千克,六年级采集的是五年级的 。六年级采集树种多少千克?

5. 仓库运来大米240吨,运来的大豆是大米吨数的 ,大豆的吨数又是面粉的 。运来面粉多少吨?

6. 把一批货物按5 : 3分给甲、乙两队运,甲队完成本队任务的 ,剩下的给乙队运,乙队共运了48 吨。这批货物一共有多少吨?

六 年 级 英 语
Listening part 听力部分 (40分)
Ⅰ.Listen ,choose what you hear.听录音,选出你听到的单词。(10分)
1.( )A、come B、came C、game D、same
2.( )A、new B、you C、your D、yours
3.( )A、close B、closet C、colour D、blow
4.( )A、cook B、make C、cake D、break
5.( )A、know B、snow C、new D、blue
Ⅱ.listen and write.听音,写单词。(10分)
1. Now Danny is singing ___________ .
2. It’s raining. Please take your ___________.
3. Everyone in the ___________is quiet.
4. ________I ride my bicycle to school.
5.Here are many _________. .
Ⅲ.Listen and choose what you hear .听音选择你所听到的句子。(10分)
( )1. A.. Where are you going?
B. What are you going to do ?
( )2. A..I am washing the dirty dishes .
B. I am washing the dirty clothes.
( )3.A..The children are playing cards.
B. The children are playing games.
( )4.A..Where is the toilet ?
B. What is the toilet ?
( )5.A. This is the bathtub .
B. This is the school bus.
Ⅳ.Liste,choose the correct answers. 根据听到的内容选择正确的问句或答语。(10分)
( )1.A、It’s five pencils.
B、There are five pencils.
( )2.A、My favourite shape is a circle.
B、My favourite food is sandwich .
( )3.A、How old are you ?
B、How are you ?
( )4.A、He is a driver.
B、He is washing the dirty dishes.
( )5.A、These are carrots.
B、The carrots are on the table .
Written part 笔试部分(60分)
Ⅰ.Choose the correct answer.选择正确的答案.(10分)
( )1.make a triangle A.一个三角形 B.正方形 C.组成三角形
( )2.speak good English A.英语好 B.英语好说 C.英语说得好
( )3.play the piano A.玩钢琴 B.打字 C.弹钢琴
( )4.do your homework A.工作 B.干家务 C.做家庭作业
( )5 .learn a new song A.学一首新歌B.唱一首新歌C.一首新歌
II. Rewrite the words.按要求写单词。(6分)
1.woman(复数) _________ 2.write(现在分词)_________
3.children(单数)________ 4.come(过去式 )_________
5.dirty(反义词 )________ 6.hot(反义词)____________
III. Write the correct words.写出正确的单词。(10分)
1. I like a ________.(正方形)
2 Her mother is a _________.(公共汽车司机)
3. These are many ________.(邮票)
4. Here are three _________.(公共汽车)
5. The onions are in the ___________.(冰箱)
Ⅳ .Choose and fill in the blanks.选择填空。(10分)
( )1. I _________wash my hands and face.
A. need B .like C. need to D.like to
( )2.Today is _____________.
A .second September B. September first
C. September one D.first September
( )3 .Danny ________beside Jenny .
A .sitting B. is sit C .is sitting D .sit
( ) 4. You can wash your hands in the ______.
A . bedroom B .toilet C. bathroom
( )5. My family _____in ___apartment.
A. live a B. lives in C. live an D. lives an
IV. Rearrange the words .将单词组成句子。(14分)
1. a , for , put , usually , circle ,Let's
2. have , on , You , hands , jam , your _____________________________________

3. buses , There , ten , are ,in , bus stop , the
4 .this, is , or, bathtub ,a ,shower, a ?
5 .cabbage , sink , is ,the ,in ,The
6. like you What would breakfast for ?
7. the temperature What’s inside , LiMing ?
V.Read and put a tick (√) or a cross(×).阅读短文判断对错 (10分)
This is the twins’(双胞胎) bedroom .It is n’t big , but it is very nice . The two beds look the same(一样) . This bed is Lily’s and that bed is Lucy’s
The twins’ have one desk and two chairs . their clock ,books and
Pencil case are on the desk . There are some flowers on the desk . There is family photo(照片) on the wall(墙). Can you see a kite ? Yes, it is under Lily’s bed . The bedroom is very nice.
( ) 1.The twins are in different(不同的) rooms.
( )2.We can see a kite under Lily’s bed.
( )3. There are some flowers on the desk .
( )4.They don’t have a TV in the room .
( )5.The family photo is on the wall.
第1个回答  2008-11-09