
它的原话是To support continuing professional development through the accreditation of prior learning APL/APEL, and to enable practitioners to contribute to the effectiveness of their institution or organisation

Accreditation For Prior Learning (APL)

The APL credits are awarded on the following basis:

Qualifications Credits

Satisfactory results on 5th Form School Leaving Certificate Up to 16 credits

Ordinary Level (each subject) 6 credits

Preferred subject at 'O' Level (each subject) 7 credits

Intermediate level (each subject) 8 credits

Preferred subject at Intermediate level (each subject) 9 credits

Advance Level (each subject) 10 credits

Preferred subject at 'A' Level (each subject) 12 credits

Credits will only be awarded for subjects at grades 5/C and above to applicants in possession of a SEC, MATSEC or comparable certification.

Compulsory subjects attract the same number of credits as preferred subjects. If the same subject is offered at different levels, credits are only assigned for the higher level subject.

Qualifications from other Universities/Colleges will be considered and evaluated.

Qualifications Credits

City & Guilds Basic 6 credits

City & Guilds Intermediate 8 credits

City & Guilds Advanced 12 credits

Extended Skill Training Scheme - four semesters 6 credits

ITS Day Release Course - one year 6 credits

ITS Part-Time Course - two semesters 6 credits

ITS Part-Time Course - one semester 3 credits

ITS In-service Course 2 credits

ITS Part-Time Course (attendance certificate) 1 credit

ETC/ITS Course 1 credit

Accreditation for Prior Experiential Learning (APEL)

Applicants with documented work experience in the Tourism Industry may be awarded APEL CREDITS as follows:

Work Experience Credits

Each year at craft level 1 credit

Each year at supervisory level 2 credits

Each year at managerial level 3 credits

「全国认可学术资格讯息中心」(The Academic Recognition Information Centre UKNARIC)是一个独立个体,它赐予海外毕业生和英国的毕业生同等的学历。 这包括学术、科技与及某些职业的学历,他们亦可以告诉你在英国什麼是同等的学历。这包括学术、科技与及某些职业的学历,他们亦可以告诉你在英国什么是同等的学历。 UKNARIC 所提供的资料只可以用作参考,还有它们可能不会被学校或雇主承认。 UKNARIC所提供的资料只可以用作参考,还有它们可能不会被学校或雇主承认。

某些中心可以担任评估和从生活中学习及以工作经验"颁发认可资格"。某些中心可以担任评估和从生活中学习及以工作经验"颁发认可资格"。 这称作"未有工作经验认可"(Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL)) 或"未有学习认可"(Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL))。这称作"未有工作经验认可"(Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL))或"未有学习认可"(Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL))。 这包括储存此种证明在档案内以作评估之用。这包括储存此种证明在档案内以作评估之用。 如果你没有证书在英国,这便会很应手。如果你没有证书在英国,这便会很应手。

假如你培训或供读的课程必须在英国接受专业登记(例如教学、医科或法律),工作前你必须重新拿到执业资格。假如你培训或供读的课程必须在英国接受专业登记(例如教学、医科或法律),工作前你必须重新拿到执业资格。 这是说你一定要与管辖的专业机构接触还可能要继续培训及练习才可以在英国获得认可资格。这是说你一定要与管辖的专业机构接触还可能要继续培训及练习才可以在英国获得认可资格。