
He ____some French while he stayed in Paris.
A.put up
B.set aside
C.picked up
D.took on

答案选C。短语pick up 在此表示“学会”“获得”。其实pick up 的意思很多,现总结如下:
(1) 拿起,捡起。如:
He picked up the receiver. 他拿起话筒。
I picked up your bag by mistake. 我错拿了你的包。
She picked up a wallet in the street. 她在街上捡到一个钱包。
(2) 收拾,整理。如:
Mother asked me to pick up the room. 母亲叫我收拾房间。
Pick up all your toys when you’ve finished playing. 玩完 后把所有玩具都收起来。
(3) 学会,获得。如:
Where did you pick up your excellent English? 你在哪儿学 到那么好的英语?
(4) (用车)来接,去取。如:
I’ll pick you up at your office. 我到你办公室来接你。
The bus stopped to pick up passangers. 公共汽车停下来接客。
I’m going to pick up my coat from the cleaner’s. 我正要 去洗衣店取我的外套。
(5) 改时,改善。如:
The weather may pick up. 天气会好转的。
Business is picking up again. 生意又有所好转。zn
(6) 重新开始,继续。如:
We’ll pick up where we finished yesterday. 我们从昨天停止的地方继续进行。
(7) 感染(疾病、坏习惯等)。如:
He picked up a bad cold yesterday. 他昨天患了重感冒。
How did you pick up such bad habit? 你是怎样染上这些恶习的?
第1个回答  2006-05-10
第2个回答  2006-05-10
第3个回答  2006-05-10
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第4个回答  2006-05-10
C.picked up