
1 sam 和 richel登上火车,决定进城去看看。这是故事的起因,因为没有这个初衷,也就不会引起后面事情的发展
2 sam 在厕所里面看到杀人的一幕,而且聪明的躲过了杀手的搜索,这也让他成为了唯一的一名目击者
3 john接手了这个案子,而且负责保护sam和richel。并决定从sam那里查询真正的杀人凶手。
4 sam 在警察局的照片上认出了真正的杀人凶手,john很吃惊,因为他知道这是内部人干的,关系重大。
5 john在停车场被杀人凶手射伤,并且开车带sam和richel 回到门诺派的故乡去避难
6 john的伤势被村里的人发现,并且得到了他们的照顾,在此期间john融入了他们的生活之中,并且被村子里人们的质朴而打动。
7 john在村里的时候得知他的助手carter被杀害,他确定是内部那些人干的,这件事激起了john的复仇计划。
8 由于john的不冷静,打了一群调侃他们的流氓,但是这一幕被一个老人看到,并告知了当地警察,这也就导致了凶手得知了john的下落,并且来到这里想杀掉他.
9 john利用村里熟悉的地形,成功的杀死了两名罪犯,并且最后说服了主谋探毒组探长paul,这样,这件事情就平息了下来。
10 最后john离开了村子,回到了属于他的地方。

1 刚开始有一幕是马路上具有门诺派特征的马车走在马路上,与旁边的汽车形成了鲜明的对比。这也就暗示了两种不同文化的融合
2 小sam在车站对很多事物的好奇也体现了一个一直在村子里长大的孩子对外面事物的新鲜感。
3 在john得知sam是唯一目击者之后而进行对他们的保护的时候,有一幕是他们在餐馆吃热狗,而在吃之前,sam和richel进行例行的祷告,这也体现了他们对自己信仰的虔诚,这与坐在对面大口吃热狗的john行程鲜明的对比。
4 在john被凶手袭击之后,他没有进行治疗,而是第一时间带领sam和richel撤离,这表现了他处事冷静,与不怕困难的特点。
5 在村里的牧师检查过他的伤口之后,由刚开始不想进行治疗,到最后答应,其间的转换也体现了门诺村民的善良。
6 john住在村里这段时间,等伤势一好村民就叫他加入农作之中,这表现出了们诺村民那种淳朴的个性,也体现出他们简单有序的生活方式。
7 当john和richel坠入爱河之后,richel的父亲却不同意他们之间的交往,因为这违背了门诺派的规矩,这也同样表现出村里封建的想法。
8 但richel摘下具有门诺派象征的帽子,然后冲向john与他热吻的一幕却又体现出了richel不顾封建思想的束缚,义无反顾的追求自己爱情的感情。
9 在凶手冲进richel的房子,她的父亲却不顾自己的安危给john打了信号,这一幕证明了john以慢慢被这个陌生的村子接受,也得到了他们的爱。
10 村民听到钟声而纷纷赶来,这一幕将故事带入高潮,同时也体现出质朴的村民互相有爱,不顾危险的特点。

10 important events:
1 sam and richel to board the train, the city decided to take a look at. This is the story of the causes, as did the original, will not cause behind the development of things
2 sam in the toilet to see inside the murder scene, and smart search of escaped killer, which he has become one of the only witnesses
3 john took over the case, and is responsible for the protection of sam and richel. Sam from there and decided to search into the murderers.
4 sam at the police station on the photo identification of the real murderers, john was surprised, because he knows that it is within the human stem, is at stake.
5 john in the parking lot was a murderer shot, and driving with sam and richel Back to the Mennonite home to asylum
6 john of the injured were found in the village, and they have been taken care of, into the john during the period of their lives, and the village was simple and people move.
7 john at a time when the village was informed that his assistant was carter killed, he is sure those who do in-house, it stirred up the john revenge plan.
8 due to the john's not cool, they made fun of a group of hooligans, but it was a scene to see the elderly, and to inform the local police, which also led to the perpetrators that the whereabouts of john, and would like to come here to kill他.
9 john use of the village are familiar with the terrain, the success of the killing of two criminals, and finally to convince the mastermind of a drug detection team inspector paul, so that the matter would calm down.
John the last 10 left the village and returned to his place.

10 of the 10 deep feelings:
1, the beginning of one scene is on the road with a Mennonite carriage of the characteristics of walking in the street, next to the car and in sharp contrast. This implies that two different cultural integration
2 small sam at the station, many of the curious things have been reflected in a village of children who grew up outside of the freshness of things.
3 in the john that sam is the only witness after conducting their protection, there is a scene in a restaurant to eat hot dogs, and before eating, sam and richel routine of prayer, it also reflects the they His devout faith, which is sitting on the opposite side of the great hot dogs stuttering john sharp contrast to the itinerary.
4 in the john by the murderer after the attack, he did not carry out treatment, but the first time to lead the sam and richel withdrawal, which he demonstrated a calm approach, not afraid of difficulties and characteristics.
5 in the village priest, he checked the wound, from the beginning do not want to be treated, in the end agreed, during which the conversion was also reflected in the Mennonite village of kind-hearted.
6 john lived in the village during this period of time, a good condition, and other villagers told him to farming, which showed that the villagers were simple Connaught's personality, they also reflect the simple and orderly way of life.
7, when john and richel after falling in love, richel father did not agree with their contacts, because it goes against the Mennonite rules, which also showed the village of feudal ideas.
8, but has won richel Mennonite symbol of the hat, and then dashed to the john with him Rewen scene but showed richel regardless of the shackles of feudal duty-bound to pursue their own feelings of love.
9 in richel murderer into the house, her father, ignoring his own safety to the john played signal, the scene proved to be a john to gradually accept this strange village, they also love.
10 villagers heard the bell and came one after another, this scene will climax into the story, but also reflects the simple villagers there love each other, regardless of the risk characteristics.
第1个回答  2008-11-19
1 sam and richel to board the train, the city decided to take a look at. This is the story of the causes, as did the original, will not cause behind the development of things
2 sam in the toilet to see inside the murder scene, and smart search of escaped killer, which he has become one of the only witnesses
3 john took over the case, and is responsible for the protection of sam and richel. Sam from there and decided to search into the murderers.
4 sam at the police station on the photo identification of the real murderers, john was surprised, because he knows that it is within the human stem, is at stake.
5 john in the parking lot was a murderer shot, and driving with sam and richel Back to the Mennonite home to asylum
6 john of the injured were found in the village, and they have been taken care of, into the john during the period of their lives, and the village was simple and people move.
7 john at a time when the village was informed that his assistant was carter killed, he is sure those who do in-house, it stirred up the john revenge plan.
8 due to the john's not cool, they made fun of a group of hooligans, but it was a scene to see the elderly, and to inform the local police, which also led to the perpetrators that the whereabouts of john, and would like to come here to kill他.
9 john use of the village are familiar with the terrain, the success of the killing of two criminals, and finally to convince the mastermind of a drug detection team inspector paul, so that the matter would calm down.
John the last 10 left the village and returned to his place.

10 of the 10 deep feelings:
1, the beginning of one scene is on the road with a Mennonite carriage of the characteristics of walking in the street, next to the car and in sharp contrast. This implies that two different cultural integration
2 small sam at the station, many of the curious things have been reflected in a village of children who grew up outside of the freshness of things.
3 in the john that sam is the only witness after conducting their protection, there is a scene in a restaurant to eat hot dogs, and before eating, sam and richel routine of prayer, it also reflects the they His devout faith, which is sitting on the opposite side of the great hot dogs stuttering john sharp contrast to the itinerary.
4 in the john by the murderer after the attack, he did not carry out treatment, but the first time to lead the sam and richel withdrawal, which he demonstrated a calm approach, not afraid of difficulties and characteristics.
5 in the village priest, he checked the wound, from the beginning do not want to be treated, in the end agreed, during which the conversion was also reflected in the Mennonite village of kind-hearted.
6 john lived in the village during this period of time, a good condition, and other villagers told him to farming, which showed that the villagers were simple Connaught's personality, they also reflect the simple and orderly way of life.
7, when john and richel after falling in love, richel father did not agree with their contacts, because it goes against the Mennonite rules, which also showed the village of feudal ideas.
8, but has won richel Mennonite symbol of the hat, and then dashed to the john with him Rewen scene but showed richel regardless of the shackles of feudal duty-bound to pursue their own feelings of love.
9 in richel murderer into the house, her father, ignoring his own safety to the john played signal, the scene proved to be a john to gradually accept this strange village, they also love.
10 villagers heard the bell and came one after another, this scene will climax into the story, but also reflects the simple villagers there love each other, regardless of the risk characteristics.

