

Q1:No one else (being) willing to go,he offered to take the message.

Q2::(There being) nothing to talk about,the head said goodbye and went out of the room.
为何括号里不能是There was?

Q3:That book is really worth (reading).
为什么括号里不能用to read?

Q4:John was relying on there (being) another opportunity.

Q5:A:I cant see the words on the black board.
B:Perhaps your eyes need (examiming).
为什么是examiming?眼睛不是被检查?不是应该用examined?to be examiming?

Q6:People appreciate (working) with him becarse he has a good sense of humor.
括号里为什么不可以是to work?

Q7:The driver was badly injured and needed badly (operating on).
为什么不能是operationg? 后面加个on有什么意义?

Q8::They dislike (John's to go) there.
为什么不能是john to go?为什么是John‘s啊好晕

Q9:It is no good (of expecting) him to see you off at the station.
括号里为什么不可以是to expecting

Q10:I strongly object (to being treated) like a child.
如果是表示“强烈反对被当成小孩看待”为什么不能用“to be treated"?同样是被动啊

Q11:I dont think you will have any difficulty (getting) a driving license.
为什么不能是to get?

Q12:A thousand men lost their jobs (at a stroke) when the factory closed.
这句话的意思是上千人因为工厂倒闭了而失去了工作?那为什么不能是in a short time?或者at one time?好像翻译起来都对啊

Q13:(Had he come) yesterday,i would have asked him not to do that.
作为if条件从句,与过去相反的话不是应该用过去完成时即括号里应该是(Had he came)吗?。。

Q14: It was through Jack (that) Mary got to know Bob.

Q15:He felt (it his duty) to work for human rights and progress.
为什么不可以是(that is his duty)呢?。。

第一题和第二题的原理是一样的,要分析句子结构。他们的前一句话不是单独的一句,而是都作为状语,若用was和there was就是两句话了,但是就不符合自己意思了。第三题,be worth doing的固定句型,相当于be worthy to do。第四句,有存在的意思,用being更为准确,第五句的examiming或者是to be examimed,这里的ing形式表示被动含义,如window need repairing 或者是 to be repaired,
6.appreciate doing,固定句式,没什么好说的,
7.加了个on表示时间紧急,必须马上采取措施,如work on 也是同样的意思。
8,。这题相对难理解,如果是john,那么那么john就是宾语,后面动词不定式是定语,句子意思就是我们不想喝他一起去那,后面要有with,go with sb。是john‘s是john is 缩写,后面是宾语从句,完全可以。
9.It is no good of doing,做什么没有好处,相当于.It is goodness to do。
10object to 不能拆分,是介词短语,后接宾语,然后又是被动,所以用being treated
11have difficulty (in)doing sth,做某事有困难,这个in可以省略,固定句式,也没什么好说的。
13.这句应该是Had he came 吧,
14it was that 的虚拟语气,必须是was,这个句子平时要加强判断,
15其实用你的方法,少了个it,表示引导从句,原句这样理解,it 和his duty to work for human 是同位语,分为两句,He felt it rights and progress,He felt his duty to work for human rights and progress
第1个回答  2013-04-10
Q1 如果用was,那这就是两个句子,就必须要有一个连接词。这是一句话,一个简单句只能有一个谓语动词,这边是offered,前面表示主动,所以只能是分词作状语。所以用being
Q2 跟第一题一样理解
Q3 be worth doing 固定用法,没有to do的用法
Q5 need的用法 后加 doing 就相当于 need to be done
Q6 appreciate只能接动名词,是固定用法
Q7 意思是 急需手术,operate on sb 是给某人做手术的意思,前面有主语 the driver
Q9 固定句型 It's no good/use doing sth , 用了of,介词加动词ing
Q10 be object to 后加动词ing 表 反对 抗议=be opposed to doing to 为介词,后接ing
Q11 have difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事有困难in 可省略
Q13 虚拟语气
Q14 whom只能用作宾格,而Mary got to know Bob是完整的句子,不缺成分
Q15 如果用that 后面就必须是He felt that it was his duty...
第2个回答  2013-04-10
Q1 如果用was,那这就是两个句子,就必须要有一个连接词。很明显这是一句话,一个简单句只能有一个谓语动词,这边是offered,前面表示主动,所以用being
Q2 其实可以跟第一题同样理解
Q3 be worth doing 固定用法,没有to do的用法
Q5 need的用法 后加 doing 就相当于 need to be done
Q6 固定用法
Q7 意思是 急需手术,operate on sb 是给某人做手术的意思,前面有主语 the driver
Q9 固定句型 It's no good/use of sb to do sth 没用,不好 用了of,介词加动词ing
Q10 be object to 后加动词ing 表 反对 抗议
Q11 have difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事有困难in 可省略
Q13 虚拟语气
Q14 whom只能用作宾格,而Mary got to know Bob是完整的句子,不缺成分
Q15 如果用that 后面就必须是He felt that it was his duty...本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2013-04-10
Q1 一个句子,所以只能一个动词,可以用being,doing,却不能用is am are 或者其他动词。

Q2 如Q1

Q3 可以用to read 意思改变,目的性地暗示。 reading没那么目的。

Q4 如Q1

Q5 可以用to be examined ,还是那个意思,意思改变一点点,to 有要求, doing= examiming
测试 名词 比to缓和。

Q6 to work ,(要求)去工作(动词),working 简单的doing 工作

Q7 operate on = surgery on 医生专用

Q8 is (( to go ≈ takeaway 西方餐厅,点餐时用,打包吗? 这里我无解,也不知道创造此句的人厚不厚道

Q9 可以用to expect,没有好处去期待。 但是good这里指好处,名词,所以 没有 期待他的好处 。后者常用。

Q10 to be treated没错,这作者不厚道

Q11 如Q1 getting比 to get 表示前者更可能,-ing经常顺势而为的行动,后者要求

Q12 一千人(一下子)失去工作,当工厂停止营业的时候。at a stroke = at one time, at once

Q13 the past participle of come is come
had后面+ come的过去分词是come,非过去式came


Q15 it比that 更亲切,它是 但你可以用that那是

第4个回答  2013-04-10
题目太多,分成两份,回答 (1)
Q1:No one else (being) willing to go,he offered to take the message.
【这部分是状语,是独立主格,没有连词,所以只能用Being】,=As no one else was willing to...
Q2::(There being) nothing to talk about,the head said goodbye and went out of the room.
为何括号里不能是There was?
[原因同上,=As there was nothing...,
Q3:That book is really worth (reading).
为什么括号里不能用to read?
[worth doing ,搭配用法,或用 worthy of being read 或 worthy to be read
Q4:John was relying on there (being) another opportunity.
[On 介词,后不能用有时态变化的动词形式】
Q5:A:I cant see the words on the black board.
B:Perhaps your eyes need (examiming).
为什么是examiming?眼睛不是被检查?不是应该用examined?to be examiming?
[need doing sth.主动语态表被动,习惯用法,其他如,there is nothing to do.
Q6:People appreciate (working) with him becarse he has a good sense of humor.
括号里为什么不可以是to work?

[appreciate doing sth. 搭配用法】
Q7:The driver was badly injured and needed badly (operating on).
为什么不能是operationg? 后面加个on有什么意义?
【driver 和 operate之间是动宾关系(给司机动手术, 即operate on the driver】没有On,当然就不行了。如 a pen to write with, a chair to sit on a house to live in