

刚好我最近在新东方上口语课,不知道你是几年级,就先说一些吧,不够或者太复杂都可以追问!首先说内容1.the weather 2.your daily life(what do you do everyday and your feeling etc. ) 3.your hobbies(movies basketball football music etc.) 4.your school 5.your family(mother father and your relationship etc.) 对应的句型1.It's xxx today,and I feel ......2.I have to .....and It's boring//interesting//fascinating,I really like//hate xxx3.I used to .....and I feel...4.My shool is.......there are........5.There are xxx in my family,and........其实,口语肯定是不能突击的,需要平时一点一点慢慢培养语感,但是不管怎样,加油吧!! 原创,希望被采纳!
第1个回答  2013-04-10
as far as I know,
if it is a yes, I shall ...
but if it is a no, I do believe that
for me, this is not a problem of the parents, but of the children.
Up to now, there is no proof for further discussion.
关键不是要听你说内容, 而是看你表达够不够流畅,会不会停顿之类,
there is a saying that It is hard to cater all tastes. Like there are a thousand Hamlet in the views of a thousand readers, there is no universal standard to satisfy all.
However, this is no an excuse for not doing anything.
If I were selected to be a leader, I would listen and think, from the perspective of a student. Each time, when there is a proposal, I would consider if it is suitable or acceptable by others.
If it is a yes, I would ask more to have a ratio comparison,
but if it is a no, I shall consider revising and updating to another version.
It is just easy to think of somehting, but difficult to give a down-to-earth execution. Leaders shall all consider the needs of those being guided, a satisfying result could be in the corner.