
1、She has set a new record,that is,the sales of her latest book____50 million.
A.have reached B.has reached C.are reaching D.had reached
2、John as well as the other children who___no parents___good care of in the village.
A.have;is being taken B.have;has taken C.has; is taken D.has;have been taken

1. B the sales of her latest book “她最新书籍的销量" 中销量为单数,用has
2. A
John as well as the other children ____good care of in the village。为主句
who____no parents 作从句修饰 the other children. John 和其他孤儿一样
as well as 是就远原则,即与谓语较远的作为次谓语的主语,即John为主句主语,所以第二个空格 填单数,可排除D。第一个空格填复数,可排除C。因为孩子们是被照顾,用被动,可排除B。
第1个回答  2013-03-31
  1 选A
  解析:既然是已经创了一个新的纪录,说明销量已经达到了50 million,因此首先能够确定时态应该用现在完成时态。句子的主语sales是复数,因此本题应该选A.
  2 选C
  解析: as well as 是就前原则,谓语动词随第一个主语的单复数变化,和他同样语法的还有with、along/together with,rather than,like,but,except,besides,with,along ,including 等。take good care of sb 好好照顾....,这里把sb,也就是John提去做主语了,所以采用被动,选C。
第2个回答  2013-03-31
1、She has set a new record,that is,the sales of her latest book____50 million.

A.have reached B.has reached C.are reaching D.had reached

即选B~~,the sales of her latest book是单数哦,所以用has

2、John as well as the other children who___no parents___good care of in the village.

A.have;is being taken B.have;has taken C.has; is taken D.has;have been taken
John as well as the other children 主语是John ,所以谓语要用单数,故可先排除AB ,John

第3个回答  2013-03-31
1、She has set a new record,that is,the sales of her latest book____50 million.
A.have reached B.has reached C.are reaching D.had reached

选 A have reached 用现在完成时态,表示最新书的销售量已经达到五千万。

2、John as well as the other children who___no parents___good care of in the village.
A.have;is being taken B.have;has taken C.has; is taken D.has;have been taken

答案选 A 第一空 是定语从句 这里的who 指代的是children ,children 是复数,所以第一空用have; 第二空 as well as 连接两个并列主语,谓语动词的单复数应该有前一主语决定,即由 John决定, 而且是被照顾的很好,被动语态,所以选 A
第4个回答  2013-03-31
楼上回答 没有一个全对的
第5个回答  2013-03-31
感觉是A和 C