
your father that is in red and white T-shirt looks really cool.

应该是Your father looks cool in that red and white T-shirt.
或Your father that in red and white T-shirt looks really cool.
第1个回答  2013-02-17
有错。 应该是 Your father looks cool in that red and white T-shirt.
你这句话的意思不对, 是“你穿着红白相间的T恤的爸爸真酷”, 没有说他穿着这件衣服很酷的意思。
第2个回答  2013-02-17
例句与用法:1. 你只有求助于法律来对付他们。 Your only recourse is legal action against them.2. 你最好向她求助。 You'd better have recourse to her.3. 你应该求助于你的父母。 You should have resorts to your parents.4. 她眼中流露著无声的求助神情。 Her eyes held a look of silent appeal.5. 她屡屡求助均无人理会. All her appeals for help fell on deaf ears.
第3个回答  2013-02-17
有问题,我一读就比较变扭,应该是Your father looks cool in that red and white T-shirt.