你的房间没打扫干净 英语怎么说

1 你的房间没打扫干净

2 你的房间依然很脏,而且很乱

3 你必须在天黑前,把所有的房间打扫干净。

4 他现在不是在打扫房间,而是在玩电脑游戏。

5 他把房间打扫的非常干净,这用了他一上午时间。

6 你应该去打扫房间,而不是在这客厅里面看电视


1Your room hasn't cleaned.
2Your room is still very dirty and messy,too.
3You must clean all rooms before dusk.
4He isn't cleaning the room now,but playing the computer games.
5He cleaned the room very clean ,which took one morning for him.
6You should go to clean the room,but not watching TV in the sitting room.
第1个回答  2013-02-16
1. Your room is not cleaned up yet.
2. Your room is still dirty, and it's messed up.
3. You have to clean all the rooms before dark (或者sunset, dusk都行,但是美国口语一般说dark).
4. He is playing computer games instead of cleaning up his room.
5. He spent a whole morning to make his room clean and tidy.
6. You should go and clean your room instead of watching TV in the living room.
第2个回答  2013-02-16
1Your room hasnot been cleaned up .
2Your room is still very dirty and in a great mess
3You must clean up the room before it is dark.
4Heis piaying computer games now instead of cleaning his room
5He has cleaned up his room thoroughly ,which cost him the whole morning
6You are to clean your room rather than watch TV in the living room
第3个回答  2019-10-08
第4个回答  2013-02-16
4 he is not cleaning the room now, but playing computer games. 5 he clean the room is very clean, it took him one morning. 6 you should go to clean the room, instead of in the living room watching TV3 you must be in before dark, clean all the rooms. 4 he is not cleaning the room now, but playing computer games. 5 he clean the room is very clean, it took him one morning. 6 you should go to clean the room, instead of in the living room watching TV3 you must be in before dark, clean all the rooms2 your room was very dirty and messy1 you didn't clean the room clean