谁能可以告诉我一下 (我的狐仙女友)歌词里中文翻译啊!


Baby come close, let me tell you this 靠近我,宝贝,我想向你倾诉我的爱
In a whisper my heart says you know it too, 我的心在你耳边喃喃细语,要你明白我是多么的爱你
Maybe we both share a secret wish 或许我们心照不宣
And you're feeling my love reaching out to you 而此刻,你也感受到了我对你的深深爱恋
Timeless, don’t let it end no 爱无止境,永不停息
Now that you’re right here in my arms where you should stay 此时此刻,你正偎依在我的臂弯
Hold tight baby 与我紧紧相拥吧! 宝贝!
Timeless, don't let it fade out of sight (我们的)爱无止境,永不消失
Just let the moments sweep us both away 就让时光将你我就此流放
Lifting us to where, we both agree无论漂泊天涯海角,惟愿与你彼此相依
This is timeless, love 我们的爱无止境

I see it all baby in your eyes When you look at me, you know I feel it too (yes I do)
你凝望我时,目光中的深深爱意 我已尽收眼底
So let's sail away and meet forever baby那么,就让我们一起漂泊,宝贝!
Where the crystal ocean melts into the sky
We shouldn't let the moment pass (moment pass) 不要错过这彼此深爱的美妙时刻
me shiver,我心颤抖的时刻
let's make it last就让这美妙时刻一直持续到最后
Why should we lose it? 我们如此相爱,却为何要将这爱舍弃?
Don't ever let me go永远不要让我离你而去
Yeah yeah yeah yeeeaah yeah
Baby it's timeless (oh baby it's timeless) 宝贝,(要知道┪颐堑陌�拗咕?
Timeless 爱无止境

Don't let it fade out of sight 不要让这份爱就此消逝
Just let the moments sweep us both away就让时光将你我就此流放
(just let the moments)
Lifting us to where we both agree this is timeless 无论漂泊天涯海角,惟愿与你彼此相依
This is timeless, love我们的爱无止境……