
1.Representing Digital Information Electrically.In digital electronics,digital variables are represented by logic levels.At any given time,a voltage is expected to have one value or another,or more precisely to lie within one region or another.In a typical system,a voltage between 0 and 0.8V would be considered a digital zero,a voltage between 0.8~2V would be forbidden; that is if the voltage fell within this range,you would know that the digital equipment needs repair.These definitions are shown in Fig.4.1

2.The use of electrical motors has increased for home appliances and industrial and commercial applications for driving machines and sophisticated equipment.Many machines and automated industrial equipment now require precise contorl.This motor design and complexity has changed since early DC motors which were used primarily with railroad trains.Motor control methods have now become more critical to the efficient and effective operation of machines and equipment.Such innovations as servocontrol systems and industrial robots have led to new
developments in motor design.
