

Is rich in tourism resources, opening up to more than 200 tourist attractions, has the world's largest palace the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven Temple of Heaven, the Royal Garden, the North Sea, the Royal Summer Palace and the Yuanmingyuan Garden, as well as the Badaling Great Wall, Mutianyu Great Wall, as well as the world's largest sites, such as courtyard Prince Gong House. Antiquities and monuments throughout the city a total of 7309, which has six World Heritage sites, two national key scenic spots, a National Historical and Cultural Cities (Beijing), a Chinese history and culture of the village (under Cuan village), 99 key national heritage conservation units (including the Great Wall and Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal to Beijing), the 326 municipal units to be protected.
World Heritage: the National Palace Museum (the world's cultural heritage, 1987), the Great Wall (World Heritage, 1987), Peking Man Ruins at Zhoukoudian (World Heritage, 1987), Temple of Heaven (World Heritage, 1998), the Summer Palace (World Cultural Heritage, 1998), Ming Ming Tombs (World Cultural Heritage, 2003)
Humanities Attractions:
Forbidden City, Great Wall, the Peking Man Ruins at Zhoukoudian, the Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace, Ming Tombs,Yuanmingyuan, Marco Polo Bridge, Mutianyu Great Wall,the Great Wall, Jinshanling Great Wall, Pass Great Wall, Great Wall,
第1个回答  2013-07-15
天坛公园 明十三陵
颐和园 北京海洋馆
八达岭长城 北海-景山公园
中华民族园 中国科学技术馆
北京动物园 北京植物园


北京香山公园 北京世界公园
北京房山云居寺 北京八大处公园
北京石景山乐园 陶然亭公园
北京慕田峪长城 雁栖湖旅游区
九龙游乐园 居庸关长城风景区
石花洞风景区 北京红螺寺旅游度假区

北京玉渊潭公园 北京湖景水上乐园
北京青龙峡景区 北京韩村河旅游景村

西山大觉寺 海定区凤凰岭自然风景区
房山青龙湖水上乐园 密云桃源仙谷风景名胜区
房山区银狐洞风景区 上方山国家森林公园怀
鹫峰森林公园 海淀区百望山森林公园
松山森林旅游区 柔幽谷神潭自然风景区
宋庆龄故居 延庆康西草原
房山仙栖洞景区 怀柔生存岛旅游基地
北京乡村高尔夫俱乐部 春晖温泉度假村
古崖居风景名胜旅游中心 恭王府花园
八达岭残长城自然风景区 云蒙山森林公园
密云云岫谷游猎自然风景区 徐悲鸿纪念馆
第2个回答  2013-07-15