交通标志中英文对照 加图片



right hand curve 向右转弯;

left hand curve向左转弯;

right hair pin bend向右急转弯;

left hand pin bend向左急转弯;

right reverse bend右反向转弯;

left reverse bend 左反向转弯;

steep ascent上坡路;

steep descent下坡路;

narrow road ahead两侧变窄;

road widens ahead两侧变宽;

narrow bridge窄桥标志;

slippery road易滑标志

loose gravel碎石路;

pedestrian crossing注意行人标志;

school ahead前方学校;

man at work 道路施工;

cross road交叉路口;

gap in median安全岛间隙;

side road right右侧支路交叉;

side road left左侧支路交叉;

Y-inter section Y形交叉路口;

straggered intersection错位交叉路口;

major road ahead前方主路;

round about环形交叉路口、环岛

dangerous dip路面低洼标志;

hump or rough road路面不平标志;

unguarded level crossing无人看守铁道路口;

guarded level crossing有人看守铁道路口



stop sign 停车标志(看到这个标志,开车或是骑车都要停下来,不能再往前走。);

yield sign 让行标志(这个标志提醒你要减速);

crosswalk 人行道(看到行人在一旁等待,车辆需要停下)

turning 转弯;

hill 下坡;

Pitch it垃圾桶

speed limit限速;

do not enter禁止通行;

dead end此路不通;

Buckle up系好安全;


one way单行道

no u-turns不准掉头;


be alert for bears熊出没;



hurricane evacuation route飓风疏散路线

第1个回答  2013-07-19
警告标志 || Warning sign
禁令标志 || Prohibition sign
指示标志 || Mandatory sign
指路标志 || Guide sign
旅游标志 || Tourist sign
标线 || Marking
禁止超越线 || No-passing line
大型车 || Oversize vehicle
小型车 || Light-duty vehicle
自行车 || Bicycle
非机动车 || Non-motor vehicle
公共汽车 || Bus
机动车 || Motor vehicle
公共汽车优先 || Bus preemption,Bus priority
行车道 || Roadway,carriageway
超车道 || Overtaking lane
硬路肩 || Hard shoulder
国道 || National road
省道 || Provincial road
县道 || County road
高速公路 || Expressway
起点 || Starting point
终点 || End point
一般道路 || Ordinary road
城市道路 || Urban road
**街道 || * * street
互通式立交 || * * interchange
高架桥 || Viaduct
隧道 || Tunnel
收费站 || Toll station
应急停车带 || Emergency stop area
休息处 || Rest area
服务区 || Service area
避车道 || Lay-by,Passing bay
火车站 || Railway station
飞机场 || Airport
停车场 || Parking
长途汽车站 || Inter-city bus station
急救站 || First aid station
客轮码头 || Passenger quay
餐饮 || Restaurant
汽修 || Breakdown service
洗车 || Vehicle cleaning
加油站 || Filling station
电话 || Telephone
轮渡 || Ferry
爬坡车道 || Climbing lane
追尾危险 || Rear-end collision danger
保持车距 || Keep space
道路交通信息 || Traffic information
路面结冰 || Icy pavement
小心路滑 || Slippery road be careful
陡坡慢行 || Steep descent,slow-down
多雾路段 || Foggy section
软基路段 || Weak subgrade
大型车靠右 || Oversize vehicle to right
注意横风 || Alert to cross wind
事故多发点 || Blackspot
保护动物 || Protect animal
长下坡慢行 || Long descent,slow-down
道路封闭 || Road closed
车道封闭 || Lane closed
车辆慢行 || Slow down
道路施工 || Road construction,Road works
车辆绕行 || Vehicle by-pass
方向引导 || Direction guide
落石 || Falling rocks
双向交通 || Two-way traffic
其他危险 || Other dangers
道路或车道变窄 || Carriageway narrows
堤坝路 || Embankment road
限制高度 || Limited height
限制宽度 || Limited width
禁鸣喇叭 || Silence(No audible warning)
渡船 || Ferry boat
此路不通 || No through road