

我最喜欢的动物是大象。大象有很多种类,不过我只知道四种:亚洲象、非洲象、刚果象、非洲森林象。大象的耳朵很大,有着犹如大蒲扇的耳朵,有着功能多的长鼻子和洁白美丽,又异常珍贵的牙齿,它的身上长了很多非常粗的汗毛,摸起来好扎人;最厉害的是大象的鼻子,就像我们的手一样灵活,拿东西根本不用它的前腿。(My favorite animal is the elephant. An elephant has a lot of kinds, but I only know four kinds: Indian elephant, the African elephant, Congo like, like African forest. The elephant's ear is very big, is like big stalk ears, has the function of long nose and beautiful and white, and extremely precious teeth, it's covered a lot of very thick fine hair, feels good firm; The most serious is the elephant's nose, like our hands agile, take things without its front legs.)
第1个回答  2012-12-05
I heard that elephants are the largest animal on land, I've always wanted to personally see it looks like. This summer, my father took me to the Beijing World Park, I finally have the opportunity to see the elephant.

Upon entering the park gate, the first thing that catches your eyes is the Italian terrace garden square. European-style building, was very elegant. To listen to the pedestrian side, said the elephant in the elephant museum will show, I and my Mum and Dad can not wait to catch up the past. To the elephants performing area, three elephants are a leisurely walk. I saw their big ears, like a palm-leaf fan, eye round, there are big bells, a pair of long front teeth upturned, like the pair of white jade carving, four legs like the four pillars, the most amazing was the them in the nose. It was cylinder-shaped nose, flexion freely, be free to pick up objects. Stage, the children threw bananas from time to time, it will roll up with the smart's nose and sent his mouth, the whole move only took a second time, really amazing!

Show started, first of all, an elephant who shows that the three legs to walk, look, they look like walking like an old lady, all the way along, we have an anemic appearance, amused us laugh. Elephant's first performances is over, on to the surrounding people to eat. Elephants eat the fruit, but "no one can compare." An apple, we are one people want a bite, but also slowly, chew, but to the elephants there, an apple is not enough it seems like Sierra Leone teeth, eating one after another, have not seen it chew on a swallowed The Pig to eat like a ginseng fruit - Huluntunzao.

Elephants finished, but also toward the audience, "bow" mean! Look at its charmingly naive look really cute! Most worried that the color, the most interesting to be an elephant playing football. Program began, elephant brought a few members of the first ball, an elephant foot suddenly a kick, an aunt have not had time afraid of the ball had hit her glasses. Aunt who scared a cold sweat. We are very excited children are enthusiastic to join the football team, we have the arm strength is too small, there can not be compared with the elephant, the results can imagine, but this game is the one I remember the most profound game.

Performances over, the elephant and the elephant with the staff let us take pictures, my first one went there, the elephant with the nose tucked me, sitting pool side, I at once carried to one floor so high, I can happy, but we have the following mother scared.

Exciting performances to end soon, and we reluctantly left the elephant museum. Good-bye, lovely elephant!
第2个回答  2012-12-05
Elephants are the biggest animals on the land.They are big and srong.They have big ears and trunks.They can walk quietly and help people move heavy things.
They are very friendly,kind and always live together.But the number of elephants reduces.People kill elephants for their ivories.We must take action to protect them or else they will extinct from the world.本回答被网友采纳