one ````` the other 的用法与意思


意思是 一个... 另一个,通常只用于两个个体的对比,比如说:there are two boys in the room. one is reading a book the other is watching TV.来自:求助得到的回答
第1个回答  2012-12-18
I have two apples, one is smaller, the other is bigger.我有两个苹果 一个小一点 一个大一点
第2个回答  推荐于2016-07-03
one ...........the other(后面不跟名词) 表示一个,另一个 (两者中另一个,一般由明确说明时两个时才用这个结构) 注意与some+名词复数(some).......the other+可数名词复数(=the others)的区别 一些......,其余全部........(这两部分加起来是全部整体)
i have two brothers, one is short, the other is tall.
there are many students playing in the playground. some students are playing soccer,the other students are playing tennis.本回答被提问者采纳