


1. 疲倦的信号:Tired


例句:She was so tired that she collapsed on the floor, her body seemingly emptied by the day's exertions.

2. 精疲力竭的象征:Dog-tired


例句:After a long day at the office, he dragged himself home, dog-tired and barely able to keep his eyes open.

3. 疲倦到极限:I'm beat

"I'm beat"这个俚语,别误解为被打,它描绘的是筋疲力尽的感觉,口语化且强烈地传达出疲惫的状态。

例句:A marathon of cleaning, and he exclaimed, "I'm beat! My energy is completely drained."

4. 累到瘫软:I'm fried

如同炸鸡般被"炸"透,"I'm fried"以独特的方式形容人疲惫至极,仿佛精力被耗尽。

例句:Finishing a marathon, Robert crossed the finish line, completely fried with his heart pounding.

5. 忙到应接不暇:Have one's hands full

面对繁忙的日程,"have one's hands full"形象地表达了分身乏术、工作繁重的状态。

例句:With an overflowing to-do list, she pleaded, "Could you cover for me? I have my hands full and can't spare a moment for the dentist appointment."

6. 压力山大:Be overwhelmed with

当压力如山倒,"be overwhelmed with"恰当地描绘出那份难以承受的感觉。

例句">Jeff found himself overwhelmed with an immense workload, his mind and body struggling to cope.

