

第1个回答  2022-11-02

1. 用名词性从句写英语作文my self 句子如下:我喜欢是的运动和英语(

What I like best are sports and English. And I like making friends and are ready to help others. In my opinion, success for life depends on whether you get along well with the people around you. It is known that someone who knows what to do must be successful.

I hope I can help you. I always want to help someone.

2. 用英语的名词性从句写一篇英语作文,急,急

ntroduces oneself: Hello! I am e from 浦城 the second highschool nine grades 0 class of schoolmates Today very much is honoredthe station lectures in here for fellow schoolmates teacher, I lecturethe topic is lets the Earth *** ile

Earth, we dearest mother. But when the earth is polluted works as theair in is not fresh, when forest no longer cover The dear friends youhave thought? This is how serious issue! The pollution environmentquestion everywhere obviously, the Earth mother soon lost the formerdays the brilliance. The friend, asked we also can be aloof? FriendsRegarding the pollution environment question everywhere obviously, themother is not *** iling. Aren't we grieved? The dear schoolmates, let usgo into action, starts from the minor matter Launches theenvironmental protection activity, but also a mother piece of pureland Let us the mother anew have an enchanting *** ile

3. 求英语作文一篇,要现写,要带主语 谓语 宾语 系表动词一类的短文

My best friend is A.A has beatutifau fur and is very loyal to its friends.and every time I e home ,he always waving her hands and bark at us!!! Yeah!!You guessed it!!!He is a little puppy!!

But he is an outstanding than other puupies!! What makes it defferent from other puppy is that he can fully understanding your ideas as if he can know what you are thinking of.So everyone who has ever met him says he is perfectly an good pany.

There is one thing that he hattes when he was called A.Feeling sorry to him,we finally gived him a very handsome name:General .

4. 英语使用主语从句怎么造句

It is universally ackonwledged that : 翻译为:(什么什么是普遍公认的,翻译时先翻译that从句) ) 举个例子来说:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us 翻译为:全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的) 这个句型可以用于写作时候比较合适 ,后面的trees are indispensable to us 是真正主语 2:It goes without saying that :不言而喻 ,和第一句比较类似。

用于写作中, eg: It goes without saying that l will marry Qi. 就是后面接上真正主语。也就是接的一个句子 不过是做主语而已。

3:As far as I am concerned, I think it is necessary to marry Qi. 就是对我来说,什么事情是必要的。比如你在写作文的时候,可以说 对我来说 学习是必要的 努力是必要的,相应的换词就可以了。

4: What impressed me most is 是主语从句: 意思是:什么事情给我留下了深刻影响。 只需要你写一个主句就可以了。

eg:What impressed me most is his strong will towards difficulties 让我印象最深的是他面对困难时的顽强意志```` 个人意见经供参考。
