
1.At least 6,000 Iraqi soldiers were killed through June and double that number have deserted, say medical and diplomatic sources. double that number这个指的是6000的2倍(擅离职守)?

2.Asked about whether U.S. military advisers in Iraq might head to Anbar, the first official acknowledged discussions were underway broadly about efforts to enable the Iraqis "as far forward as we can" but did not disclose details. The official said talks were also underway with coalition partners about where their advisers might be placed.
about efforts to enable the Iraqis "as far forward as we can" 这句话是什么意思?
3.Still, the official cautioned Abadi's government must still prove itself and added that the U.S. military would not "squander our credibility" by vouching for it now. Instead, it is limiting itself brokering talks between the government and tribes.这段话是什么意思?
4.Until the Abadi government can get on its feet and kind of deliver some small successes, I don't think, I don't think we're in a position to make any promises on behalf of that government," the official said.这句话是什么意思?

1, 是指6000的2倍。 soldiers have deserted = deserters 逃兵

2, 尽我们所能帮助伊拉克军队重整旗鼓。

3, 美国提醒阿巴迪政府必须(拿出决心、诚意、能力)证明自己,否则美军不会"浪费我们的信誉”来担保阿巴迪政府。

4, 直到阿巴迪政府能站稳脚跟并能呈现一些小的成果,我觉得我们不会代表阿巴迪政俯作出任何承诺。来自:求助得到的回答
第1个回答  2014-10-24
整个六月至少有6000名伊拉克士兵死亡 12000人被抛弃,医疗和外交人士说。这个数字这个指的是6000的2倍