



Maxwell most prominent achievement was formulating a set of equations that united previously unrelated observations, experiments, and equations of electricity, magnetism, and optics into a consistent theory. His theory of classical electromagnetism demonstrates that electricity, magnetism and light are all manifestations of the samephenomenon, namely the electromagnetic field.

Maxwell left the Academy in 1847 at the age of 16 and began attending classes at the University of Edinburgh.Having had the opportunity to attend the University of Cambridge after his first term Maxwell instead decided to complete the full course of his undergraduate studies at Edinburgh.In October 1850, already an accomplished mathematician, Maxwell left Scotland for the University of Cambridge. He initially attended Peterhouse, but before the end of his first term transferred to Trinity, where he believed it would be easier to obtain a fellowship. At Trinity, he was elected to the elite secret society known as the Cambridge Apostles

Maxwell demonstrated that electric and magnetic fields travel through space in the form of waves at the speed of light in 1865, with the publication of A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field. Maxwell proposed that light was in fact undulations in the same medium that is the cause of electric and magnetic phenomena.The unification of light and electrical phenomena led to the prediction of the existence of radio waves.追问



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Maxwell most prominent achievement was formulating a set of equations that united previously unrelated observations, experiments, and equations of electricity, magnetism, and optics into a consistent theory. He is regarded as the 19th-century scientist who has the greatest influence on 20th-century physics,Maxwell proposed that light was in fact undulations in the same medium that is the cause of electric and magnetic phenomena.The unification of light and electrical phenomena led to the prediction of the existence of radio waves.

Maxwell left the Academy in 1847 at the age of 16 and began attending classes at the University of Edinburgh.Having had the opportunity to attend the University of Cambridge after his first term Maxwell instead decided to complete the full course of his undergraduate studies.James Forbes influence him significantly. In 1950, with his Uncle's agreement, he have had the opportunity to attend the University of Cambridge after his first term.

第1个回答  2013-05-26
Maxwell is mainly engaged in molecular physics, electromagnetic theory, statistical physics, optics, mechanics, elastic theory. Especially the electromagnetic field theory he established, electrical, magnetic, optical unify, is one of the most brilliant achievements of the development of the history of Science in physics in nineteenth Century, is a comprehensive one of the greatest. He predicted the existence of electromagnetic wave. The theoretical prediction was validated by experiment fully. He played a monument for the physics tree. Radio technology to benefit human, is based on electromagnetic field theory developed. In 1847, Maxwell of 16 years old, graduated from high school, entered the University of Edinburgh to study. Here is the highest institution of Scotland. He is the youngest student in the class, but the examination results are always come out in front. He majored in mathematics and physics in here, and showed extraordinary talent. He studies very hard, but not dead reading, he still wrote in the study, not content to read extracurricular book, has accumulated considerable knowledge. At the University of Edinburgh, Maxwell received basic training required to climb the summit of science. Effect of two of them on his most deep, a physicist and mountaineers Forbes, a professor of logic and metaphysics hamiltonian. The effect of these people have true skill and genuine knowledge, talent and effort of Maxwell's personal plus, Maxwell's learning progress day by day, he completed four years of schooling, with three years of time, by contrast, the cradle of the University of Edinburgh has been unable to meet the thirst for knowledge of Maxwell. In order to further study, in 1850, he asked the father's consent, leave Edinburgh to Cambridge to study, a galaxy of talents. Maxwell's main contribution is the establishment of the Maxwell equations, founded classical electrodynamics, and predicted the existence of electromagnetic wave, is proposed in the light of electromagnetic theory. Maxwell is a master of the electromagnetics theory into the. He was born in the electromagnetics theory founder Faraday proposed electromagnetic induction theorem in 1831, and later with Faraday formed a friendship between old and young people, work together to build a scientific system of the theory of electromagnetism. The history of physics that classical mechanics Newton opened the mechanical era, laid the foundation stone and Maxwell electromagnetic theory for the electrical age.
第2个回答  2013-05-26