
提示:你曾经在5月因病请假一周。回校后你的同班同学Peter 帮助你复习功课,跟上了其他同学。为此你写了感谢信给Peter感谢他的帮助。你已取得好成绩(high marks),并即将回到老家杭州过暑假,邀请Peter在方便的时候来你家乡游玩。你将带领他参观当地风景名胜,希望能尽快收到他的回信。再次表示感谢。

Dear Peter,
First and foremost, I would like to express my great appreciation for your kindness and help. As you know, I had been sicked for quite a while and due to the illness, I was unable to attend many classes. To be honest, in the early time, I was completely desperated, I knew that I was going to fail my exam as it was around the corner and what was worst was I didn't even know how to confront my parents. They have spent quite a substantial amount of money for my education. Fortunately, I have a friend like you. It was you who resolved my problem, it was you who got myself out of dilemma, it was you who salvaged my life. Finally, with your help , I was able to pass my exam with flying colours.
Since the holiday is about to begin, I am thinking of inviting you to visit my hometown - Hangzhou. As you may know, Hangzhou is renowned for its historic relics and natural beauty and what is more captivating is that it is known as one of the most beautiful country in China. Well, of cource, when you arrived here, I will be your personal tour guide, taking you exploring the natural beauty of china and visiting the very famous landmarks. Besides, you will be able to enjoy our scrumptious native foods and I gurantee that you will utterly fell in love with them.

Last but not least, once again, I would like to express my great appreciation to you. Besides, please reply my letter as soon as possible so that I could make the arrangement.


第1个回答  2013-06-01
你已取得好成绩(high marks),并即将回到老家杭州过暑假追问



