
1. ______________________________?
Yes, I can. I often go to school by bike.
2. A: ______________________
B: They are black and white.
3. A: ________________________________
B: The hot dog is 2 yuan. It tastes yummy.
4. A: __________________________________
B: Yes, my math teacher is strict , but he’s very kind .
5 ________________________?
No, it was June 2nd yesterday.
6. A: __________________________________
B: It’s June 1st. Today is Children's Day.
7. _________________________? Yes, I was happy.

1.Can you ride a bike? 你会骑车吗?
2.What color is the panda? 熊猫是什么颜色?
3.How much is the hot dog? 这个热狗多少钱?
4.Is your math teacher strict? 你的数学老师严格吗?
5.Was it June 1st yesterday? 昨天是六月一号吗?
6.What day is it today? 今天几号?
7.Were you happy? 你高兴吗?
第1个回答  2013-06-02
1. (Can you ride a bike)?
Yes, I can. I often go to school by bike.
2. A: (What colour are the balls)
B: They are black and white.
3. A: (How much is the hot dog?)
B: The hot dog is 2 yuan. It tastes yummy.
4. A: (Is your math teacher very strict?)
B: Yes, my math teacher is strict , but he’s very kind .
5 (Was it June 1st yesterday)?
No, it was June 2nd yesterday.
6. A: (What's the date today?)
B: It’s June 1st. Today is Children's Day.
7. (Were you happy)?
Yes, I was happy.
第2个回答  2013-06-02
1. Can I ride bike to school?
2. What are the colors of that T-shirt?
3. How much does a hot dog cost and how does it taste?
4. How is your math teacher like?
5. Was yerterday June 1st?
6. What is today?
7. Were you happy yesterday?