


  1. I like reading the books.(×)I like reading books.(√)
  2. She likes the cats.(×)She likes cats.(√)

  1. I have lunch at the noon.(×)I have lunch at noon.(√)
  2. We go to school by the bus.(×)We go to school by bus.(√)

  1. I like the China.(×)I like China.(√)
  2. Would you like a cup of the water? (×)
   Would you like a cup of water?(√)

  1. Today is the Teachers' Day. (×)
   Today is Teachers' Day.(√)
  2. He was born in the May in 1987. (×)
He was born in May in 1987. (√)

  1. Good morning,the sir!(×)
   Good morning,sir! (√)
  2. I need some help,the Mummy.(×)
  I need some help,Mummy.(√)

  1. This the pen is mine. (×)
  This pen is mine.(√)
  2. I have the some money. (×)

  1. We will learn the Chinese, the history and the Maths this afternoon. (×)
   We will learn Chinese, history and Maths this afternoon.(√)
  2. The English is the most interesting of all the subjects.(×)
   English is the most interesting of all the subjects.(√)

  1. She goes to school after the breakfast every morning.(×)
  She goes to school after breakfast every morning.(√)
  2. We often play the football after school. (×)
   We often play football after school. (√)
第1个回答  2015-06-23
零冠词的用法如下:1.表示抽象概括意义时,不可数名词和复数名词使用零冠词,例如:(/)Books are my best friends.书是我的好朋友。(/) Cotton feels soft.棉花摸起来柔软。(/)Water boils at 100℃.水在摄氏100度沸腾。比较:The water in this river is undrinkable.这条河的水不可饮用。2.专有名词通常使用零冠词,例如:(/)Lu Xun is a great Chinese writer.鲁迅是一位伟大的中国作家。(/)London is the capital of England.伦敦是英国的首都。(/)China is a developing socialist country.中国是一个发展中的社会主义国家。(注意:组合国名或缩写国名前加定冠词,如:the United States 美国;the U.K 英国)3.按照习惯下列各类名词使用零冠词:1)季节、月份、星期以及节假日(中国传统节日除外,详细请查阅“定冠词”)等名词前,例:(/)Summer begins in June in this part of the country.这个地区夏天从六月份开始。We have no classes on(/) Sunday.星期日我们不上课。There are a lot of (/)people shopping at (/)Christmas.在圣诞节有很多人购买东西。2)三餐饭菜的名词,例:have (/)supper 吃晚饭come to (/)dinner 去吃饭3)语言、运动、游戏等名词,例:She speaks (/)Chinese.她说汉语。He plays (/)football.他踢足球。Let’s have a game of (/)chess.咱俩下盘棋吧。4)在某些意义有改变的名词前要使用零冠词,例:He has gone to (/)school.(to learn)他去上学了。They were in (/)church just .(to worship)他们在做礼拜。同样, in hospital是“住院(治疗)”,in prison是“服刑”,等等。注意:如果在这类名词前加冠词,则表示去那里干与之无关的事,例:go to the school可理解为去学校看望人,而不是“学习”。4.在表示职位、头衔、身份等名词前,例:(/)Professor Wang 王教授(/)Doctor Tompson 汤普生医生(/)President Lincoln 林肯总统(/)Dean of the English Department 英语系主任5.泛指的复数名词,表示一类人或事物时,可不用定冠词(泛指的复数名词非零冠词):They are teachers. 他们是教师。当两个或两个以上名词并用时,常省去冠词;I can't write without pen or pencil.没有钢笔和铅笔,我就写不了字。6.当by与火车等交通工具连用,表示一种方式时,中间无冠词,例:by bus,by train;7.有些个体名词不用冠词,如:(/)school,(/)college,(/)prison,(/)market,(/)hospital,(/)bed,(/)table,(/)class,(/)town,(/)church,(/)court 等个体名词,直接置于介词后,表示该名词的不同含义:go to hospital 去医院看病go to the hospital 去医院 (并不是去看病,而是有其他目的)in bed 生病卧床
  in the bed 在床上
  in table 就餐
  in the table\tables 在桌旁(详见网络)8.不用冠词的序数词:a. 序数词前有物主代词b. 序数词作副词 He came (/)first in the race.c. 在固定词组中 at (/或the) first,first of all, from first to last注:三餐饭前带有形容词修饰时,应加冠词:have a quick breakfast .当球类指具体事物时,应加冠词:where is the football ?9.某些中国乐器前面不加冠词,例如:play (/)erhu;play (/)dizi ( 弹古筝 play the zither 吹笛子 play the flute)10.有些物质名词和抽象名词前永远用零冠词,即使有形容词,也用零冠词。常见的有:(/)weather,(/)progress,(/)fun,(/)advice,(/)news,(/)information,(/)luck,(/)furniture,(/)wealth,(/)honesty 等。另外,man 表示“人类”和word 表示“音讯”时一般不加冠词,如:It is well known that (/)man has a very close relationship with (/)environment.众所周知,人类与环境关系非常密切。11.在表示颜色和语言的名词前用零冠词,例:She is in(/)red 她穿红色衣服(=She is in a red dress)12.特殊动词后用零冠词,如:He turns(/)father.(/)Student as he is.精锐教育老师解答
第2个回答  2015-06-23
可数名词单数泛指时用不定冠词 特指时用定冠词
名词复数泛指时不用冠词 特指时用定冠词
1. 在物质名词,抽象名词前不用冠词
The desk is made of wood.
What is work? Work is struggle.
2. 专有名词前不加冠词
Canada, Beijing ,Lei Feng
3. 名词前有物主代词指示代词,不定代词,名词所有格修饰时
this, my,that, those, these, her
Sunday March summer winter
Horses are useful animals.
My mother and father are school teachers.
He is chairman of the Students’ Union. 他是学生会主席.
They elected him president of the U.S. 他们选他当美国总统.
She is a teacher of English in our school. 她是我校的一位英语教师
breakfast, lunch, supper 如这些词前有形容词修饰可用不定冠词.
I had a good lunch yesterday.
I have breakfast at 7 every day.
Play football (basketball, Volleyball) chess
He is fond of music.
The music of the film is very beautiful.
Science is making rapid progress in China.
Physics is the science of matter and energe.
第3个回答  2015-06-23
1、表某一类人或者物 the dog is a loyal animal
2、表独一无二的事物前 the sun
3、表说话双方都了解的或者上文提过的 would you mind closing the window?
4、用于乐器前 the piano
6、用于专有名词前 the Pacific Ocean
第4个回答  2021-01-24