[业内交流] 参展回来,有客户的名片,如何给客户写第一封邮件?


1、查阅面谈记录本,逐个总结客户意向,2、浏览客户网站,拟订销售策略,3、参考其他外贸高手的开发信样本,以下是陈毅冰老师的开发信:Hi (client name),How are you doing? Glad to get your name card from (fair name).This is (your name) from (your company name). We specialized in (your product), and all our products with (Certificate,like CE) approved!Regarding the (your product) your selected on the fair, pls find the details with best offer in attachment. Hope to get good news from you! Thanks.Best regards,(Your name)******Co., Ltd.Add: ***Tel: ***Fax: ***Mail:***Website: ***供你参考。