

孩子 你要保持信仰 记住耶稣基督的话
Remember, son, hold on to your faith.

Today you will be with me in paradise...

不要恐惧 我的孩子
"so fear not." Fear not, my son.

你受到祝福 将蒙主荣召
You are a man truly blessed. You will die in a state of grace.

Remember, pain is temporary, but glory is forever.

坚信主耶稣基督 很快便将与上帝与天使同在
Hold on to your faith, my son. You'll be with God, the saints, and the angels soon.

我赦免你犯下的过错 以圣父、圣子、圣灵之名
I absolve you of your sins... in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.

In nomine patris et fili, et spiritus sancti. Amen.