

雷神:the world hasn't changed a bit.世界一点没变
绿巨人:did you know about this?你知道这事?
黑寡妇:you want to think about removing yourself from this environment,doctor?你想离开这儿吗,博士?
绿巨人:I was in Calcutta.I was pretty well removed.我在加尔各答,很远。
黑寡妇:Loki is manipulating you.洛基在控制你。
绿巨人:and you've been doing what,exactly?你不也是吗?
黑寡妇:you didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you.你不是因为我送秋波才来的。
绿巨人:Yes,and I'm not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy.I'd like to know why S.H.I.E.L.D is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction.是,我也不会因为你突然的不安就离开。我想知道神盾局为什么用宇宙魔方来制造大规模杀伤性武器。
独眼侠:because of him.因为他
独眼侠:last year,earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge match that levelled a small town.we learned that not only are we not alone but we are hopelessly.hilariously,outgunned . 去年,地球上来了一位外星访客,进行了一场旗鼓相当的比赛,毁了一个小镇。我们不仅发现宇宙中有其他生物,还发现我们的实力很微弱,武器很落后。
雷神:my people want nothing but peace with your planet.我们星球的人只想和地球人和平相处。
独眼侠:but you are not the only people out there,are you?and you're not the only threat.the world's filling up with people who can't be matched,that can't be controlled.但你们不是外星唯一的生物,对吧?你们也不是唯一的威胁。这个世界有太多无法敌过 控制的人了。
美国队长:like you controlled the Cube?就像你控制着魔方?
雷神:your work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it,and his allies.it is a signal to all the realms.that the earth is ready for a higher form of war.你们用了宇宙魔方才把洛基和他的同盟招惹过来。这是给所有领域一个信号,地球已经开始准备高级战斗了。
独眼侠:a higher form?you forced our hand.we had to come up with something.高级形式?你逼的我们。我们不得不想出点办法来。
钢铁侠:a nuclear deterrent.because that always calms everything right down.核威慑力量。因为那总可以让一切平静下来。
独眼侠:remind me again how you made your fortune,stark.钢铁侠,你再一次提醒我你是怎么发财的。
美国队长:I'm sure if he still made weapons,stark would be neck deep……我确信如果钢铁侠还在制造武器,他早就……
钢铁侠:hold on.how is this now about me?等下,现在怎么冲我来了?
美国队长:I'm sorry, isn't everything?抱歉,你不是万众瞩目吗?
雷神:I thought humans were more evolved than this.我认为人类本该进化的文明点。
独眼侠:excuse me.did we come toyour planet and blow stuff up?抱歉,我们人类去炸你们星球了吗?
雷神:you treat your champions with such mistrust.你那么不信任你们的保卫者。
黑寡妇:are you boys really that native?S.H.I.E.L.D.monitors potential threats.你们这些人怎么那么天真?神盾局监视着潜在的威胁。
绿巨人:captain America's on threat watch?美国队长也算是威胁?
黑寡妇:we all are.我们都算。

雷神:you speak of control,yet you court chaos.你谈到控制,你又设法制造混乱。
绿巨人:that's his M.O.,isn't it?I mean,what are we,a team?no,no,no,we are a chemical mixture that makes chaos.we are a time bomb.这是他的原则,不是吗?我是说,我们是什么,团队?不不不,我们在一起只会制造混乱。我们是定时炸弹。
独眼侠:you need to step away.离你发火只要一步之遥。
钢铁侠:why shouldn't the guy let off a little steam?为什么不让他发发怒气呢?
队长:you know damn well why,back off!你非常清楚为什么,起来!
钢铁侠:I'm starting to want you to make me.我开始希望你惹惹我了。
队长:yeah.big man in a suit of armur.take that off,what are you?是啊,你是穿着一身盔甲的大人物。没了它,你是什么?
队长:I know guys with none of that worth ten of you.I've seen the footage.the only thing you really fight for is yourself.you are not the guy to make the sacrifice play.to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you.我认识的人比你有用十倍。我见过你的影片,你只为你一个人战斗。你不是那个敢于牺牲的人。躺在电线上让其他人爬过去。
钢铁侠:I think I would just cut the wire.我觉得我会切断电线。
队长:always a way out.you may not be a threat but you better stop pretending to be a hero.总有办法拜托困难。你也许不是威胁,但你最好停止扮演英雄。
钢铁侠:a hero?like you? you are a laboratory experiment ,Rogers.everything special about you came out of a bottle.英雄?像你一样?你是个实验产物,罗杰斯。你从瓶子里获得了特殊能量。
队长:put on the suit.let's go a few rounds.穿上盔甲,让我们比试比试。
雷神:you people are so petty and tiny.你们这些人太渺小了。
绿巨人:yeah,this is a team.是,这是一个团队。
独眼侠:agent Romanoff,would you escort Dr banner back to his……黑寡妇,你愿意把班纳博士护送回他的……
绿巨人:where?you rented my room.哪里?你出租了我的房间。
独眼侠:the cell was just in
绿巨人:incase you needed to kill me.but you can't,I know,I tried .I got low,I didn't see an end.so,I put a bullet in my mouth,and the other guy spit it out.so I moved on. I focused on helping other people.I was good.until you dragged me back intothis freak show and put everyone here at risk.you want to know my secret,agent Romanoff?you want to know how I stay calm?万一你需要杀了我呢。但你不能,我知道,我试过了。我曾经很失落,我看不到终点。所以,我想饮弹自尽,另一个家伙却把它吐了出来。所以我活了下来。我曾专注于帮助其他人,我那时很好,直到你把我拽回到这个畸形人展览。还让每个人处境危险。你想知道我的秘密,黑寡妇?你想知道我怎么保持冷静?
独眼侠:Dr banner,put down the sceptre.班纳博士,放下权杖。
绿巨人:got it.sorry,kids,you don't get to see my party trick after all.知道了.抱歉,孩子们,你们看不到我的派对魔术了。
雷神:you located the Tesseract?I could get there fastest.the Tesseract belongs on asgard.no human is a match for it.你找出宇宙魔方的位置了?我可以很快到那。宇宙魔方属于阿斯加德神域,没有哪个人是它的对手。
队长:you are not going alone你不能独自去。
钢铁侠:you are gonna stop me?你要阻止我?
队长:put on the suit,let's find out.穿上装备,我们比试比试。
钢铁侠:I'm not afraid to hit an old man.我可不害怕打一位老人。
队长:put on the suit.穿上装备!以上是比较全,比较经典的了吧。。