英语一般现在是的要点 十万火急谢谢

英语一般现在时的要点!!~~~~~~~~谢谢 !!!!!! 十万火急。。。。句子,重点句型!!·~~~~~


一般现在时主要表示经常性或习惯性的动作、说话时某人或某物的特征或状态,以及客观真理。常与always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, every day等时间状语连用。如:

1. —You’re drinking too much.

—Only at home. No one ________ me but you. (北京春)

A. is seeing B. had seen

C. sees D. saw

【分析】答案选C。由语境可知“我只在家里喝得多”是平时的习惯,“除你之外,没有人看见”也就是指平常的情况。(from www.nmet168.com)

2. I ________ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the new year. (全国卷)

A. will play B. have played

C. played D. play


3. —Don’t you like the material? —Yes, it ________ very soft. (全国卷)

A. is feeling B. felt

C. feels D. is felt


4. —Can I help you, sir?

—Yes. I bought this radio here yesterday, but it ________. (全国卷)

A. didn’t work B. won’t work

C. can’t work D. doesn’t work

【分析】答案选D。由问句和but可知,this radio现在坏了,用一般现在时表示现在所处的状态。work指机器设备的运作。



1. The plane for Australia takes off at two. 去Australia的飞机两点起飞。

2. —Can I join the club, Dad?

—You can when you ________ a bit older. (全国卷)

A. get B. will get

C. are getting D. will have got


3. It ________ long before we ________ the result of the experiment. (02上海春)

A. will not be; will know B. is; will know

C. will not be; know D. is; know

【分析】答案选C。It will not be long before…(不久之后…就…) 是固定句型,主句用一般将来时,before引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时表示将来。
第1个回答  2008-06-02
搞清主语单复数,然后是动词 变化
he is always late for class
i am always late for class
you are always late for class
they are always late for class
第2个回答  2008-06-02