
Greenpeace has variously alleged that the levels of beta-carotene in golden rice are toolow to be effective or so high that they would be toxic. But feeding trials
have shown the rice to be highly effective in preventing vitamin A deficiency,
and toxicity is virtually impossible. So with no science to support its
antagonism, the organization has been forced to adopt a new strategy: try to
scare off the developing nations that are considering adoption of the
lifesaving products.

In August, Greenpeace issued a press release stating that 24children had been "used as guinea pigs in [a] genetically engineered
'golden rice' trial." The reference was to the results of a 2008 study
conducted by Chinese researchers and Tufts University and funded by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture and the National Institutes of Health.



8月,绿色和平组织发布新闻稿称24个儿童被用作豚鼠进行转基因“黄金大米”试验。指的是 2008 年由美国农业部和国家卫生研究院资助和开展的中国研究人员和塔夫茨大学的结果。
第1个回答  2013-04-26

8月,绿色和平组织发布新闻稿称24个儿童被用作豚鼠进行转基因“黄金大米”试验。指的是 2008 年由美国农业部和国家卫生研究院资助和开展的中国研究人员和塔夫茨大学的结果。ok