王若琳I IOUE YOU 中文翻译


I love you,我爱你
say we together baby, you and me.说你和我,我们在一起,宝贝
I can only give my love,我只能给你我的爱
to show you what I am, 来向你展示真正的我
in the breath I breathe. I will promise you my heart,我会向你许诺我的心
and give you all you need,并且给你所有你想要的
if you take some times. 如果你给我一些时间
if you tell me you don't need me any more, 如果你告诉我你不再需要我
that our love won't last forever, noo ~那样我们的爱将不会永久 不~
I will ask you for a chance to try again 我会再次问你要一次机会再试一遍
to make our love a little better, woo ~ oh. 让我们的爱情能有一点点的起色 喔唔I love you,我爱你
say we together baby, say we together.说我们在一起,宝贝,说我们在一起
I need you,我需要你
I need you forever baby, you and me.我永远地需要你,宝贝,你和我
You say you hardly know 你说你几乎不知道
exactly who I am so hard to understand. woo ~我到底是谁 如此难以猜透喔~
I knew right from the start, 我知道从开始起我内心的感受一直是对的
all the way I felt inside, if you read my mind.如果你看透了我的心,if you tell me you don't need me any more, 如果你告诉我你不再需要我
that our love won't last forever, noo ~那样我们的爱将不会永久 不~
I will ask you for a chance to try again 我会再次问你要一次机会再试一遍
to make our love a little better, woo ~ oh. 让我们的爱情能有一点点的起色 喔唔
I love you,我爱你
say we together baby, say we together.说我们在一起,宝贝,说我们在一起
I need you,我需要你
I need you forever baby, need you forever.我永远地需要你,宝贝,永远地需要你
remember when you uesd to hold me, 想起你过去抱着我的时候
remember when you made me cry. 想起你曾经让我哭泣的时候
Yes, you said you love me.是的,你说过你爱我
Oh, you did.哦,你说过
yes,you did. 是的,你说过I love you,我爱你
say we together baby, say we together.说我们在一起,宝贝,说我们在一起
I need you,我需要你
I need you forever baby, you and me.我永远地需要你 宝贝,你和我 辛苦整理,自己翻译希望采纳!