


In a changeable and complicated time today, all walks of life and different organizations have ainnumerable links. Especially in Marketing, whichendures the impact from economic, political, cultural, environmental, legal and other various aspects.

Under such a high pressure environment, even a hundred-year long running enterprise would inevitably make some mistakes, which leads to the crisis. Therefore, crisis management occupies an important position in the enterprise operation. When sudden emergencies or major accident occurs, the enterprise will face tremendous pressure from public opinions, hence the public relation department will be in crisis mode. In the process of dealing with public relations, if they could not handle the crisis well, it would be a huge hamper for enterprise to develop.


This article will cite the event of “KFC chicken” ( KFC is a leading gaint in restaurant industry ) as an example. First, it introduces the cause of the event and the influence afterwards, then analyzes the deficiencies in the crisis management, finally concluds enlightment for KFC itself and our Food Enterprise. Hopegully, this event would help the whole food industry be better in China.
第1个回答  2013-05-10
In modern times is a fast-changing and complicated era, the society, different levels all have links between different organizations. Especially companies more to suffer from the economic, political, cultural, environmental, legal and so on various aspects of impact. (2) in the high-pressure environment even one hundred enterprises are inevitably feet skid mistakes, caused the crisis. Therefore crisis management occupies an important position in the enterprise operation, when the enterprise emergencies or major accident occurs, will face large pressure of public opinion, corporate public relations in crisis mode, enterprise in the process of public relations if they can't deal with the crisis, would be a huge obstacle for enterprise development. (3) based on the restaurant giant KFC chicken "crash" event as an example, introduces the influence the cause of the event first, then analyze the deficiencies in the crisis management, finally concluded that the event itself to KFC, the revelation of food enterprises in China. Hope to help the whole food industry in China

第2个回答  2013-05-10
  Today's world is at an age when everything is subject to extremely fast changes and tends to be increasingly complicated. In such a society, various organizations in different levels are linked to each other in numerous aspects, and especially in the business world, those enterprises are going through the pressures from various fields including economy, politics, culture, environment, laws and so on.
  Suffering such a high pressure, even a century-old business is likely to make a mistake and give rise to a crisis, so dealing with PR-related issues plays rather a significant role in the smooth operation of a business, for in the time of an emergency or a major accident, a business will be under great pressure imposed by public opinions, which jeopardize the public relations of the business, and if it fails to handle successfullly the PR crisis, the business is sure to confront huge obstacle on its course of development.
  This article, taking KFC's "fast-growing chicken" incident as an example, first briefly informs the origin of the case as well as its influence and then carries out an contrast analysis concerning its faults in the course of settling this PR dispute, which is followed by an instructive warning for KFC itself as well as all the food businesses in China, which is expected to contribute to the sound development of the whole food industry in our country.追问

那个关键词也给翻译下成不,英语太差关键词:肯德基 危机公关 不足之处


  Key words:KFC, crisis of public relations, fault

第3个回答  2013-05-10
The present times is changable and complex, and different levels in society are relevant with different organizations. Especially for enterprises, they have to bear many kinds of impacts from economy, politic, culture and laws, etc.