

whatever happens ,whatever you do ,wherever you go ,I WILL BE HERE WAITINGFOR YOU ,because nothing is going to change my love for you and I LOVE YOU MORE and MORE EACH DAY AS TIME GOES BY
这是爱情歌曲的词,一个是在此等候,whatever you do ,wherever you go ,I WILL BE HERE WAITINGFOR YOU另一个是什么也改变不了我对你的爱, nothing is going to change my love for you 第三个是电影卡萨布兰卡的主题曲, I LOVE YOU MORE and MORE EACH DAY AS TIME GOES BY,共计三首经典英文歌曲
第1个回答  2013-05-01
I'm the same person I used to be.My love for you has never changed.
第2个回答  2013-05-01
My heart belongs to you.
第3个回答  2013-05-01
My love never changes,just like i myself,waiting for you forever.
第4个回答  2013-05-01
I still am,changemylove for you has not
Nothing Conna Change My Love For 没有什么能改变我对你的爱 这句好
第5个回答  2013-05-01
The love that I do for you never changes.