


Danish prince Hamlet studies in German Wittenberg University.He is optimistic, the fill ideal youth.But, father king Lao Hamlet died suddenly, father's younger brother Crowdy Si mounts the throne, the mother remarries the new king and so on a succession of unfortunate news, has attacked him heavily.He feels to this world is weary of, causes his worry is, his not clear father's cause of death.
Hamlet returns to homeland to rush home for a relative's funeral, father's ghost tells him: Own are is killed by younger brother Crowdy Si.When King Crowdy Si Cheng midday nap, drips into in his ear with the poisonous herb juice, kills by poison king.The ghost wants Hamre him to revenge specially, but do not have to injure queen, lets ascend the sky adjudicates she.Henceforth, Hamlet ships out extremely arrogantly weird, the mental aberration appearance.. Hamlet lover Austria Filley Ya told own father - - imperial former Minister his behavior wave Luo river alunite Si, imperial former minister has reported King Crowdy Si.Crowdy Si “goes crazy” to Hamlet is sceptical, ordered many times the royal courtier pries the actual situation.
第1个回答  2008-05-23
Danish Prince Hamlet studied in the German Wittenberg University. He was optimistic and full of the ideal youth. But he was attacked heavily by his father Lao Hamlet dying and father's younger brother Crowdysi to mount the throne and the mother's suddenly remarrying and so on.He felt weary to this world for the reason of his father's death.

Hamlet returns to homeland to rush home for a relative's funeral, father's ghost tells him: One are is killed by younger brother Crowdy Si. When King Crowdy Si Cheng midday nap, drips into his ear with the poisonous herb juice, kills by poison king. The ghost wants Hamre he to revenge specially, but do not injure queen, lets ascend the sky adjudicates she. Henceforth, Hamlet ships out extremely arrogantly weird, the mental aberration the appearance. Hamlet's lover Austria Filley told his father - - imperial former Minister his behavior wave Luo river nie Si, imperial former minister also reported King Crowdy Si. Crowdy Si “goes crazy” to Hamlet is sceptical, ordered many times the royal courtier pries the actual situation.