

春节中最快乐的一天   春节到了,我和爸爸妈妈准备去姥姥家过新年。今天是我最高兴的日子,因为我要见到半年没见的姥姥了,我很想念她。妈妈说,我生下后一直是姥姥带大的,直到去年姥姥才回老家。我和姥姥关系可好了,她非常疼我。今天终于可以见到她了。我已把春节期间的作业写好了,准备痛快过一个新年。  大年初二,我们一大早就起来了,穿好新衣服,作好一切准备,就出发了。到了火车站,我看到很多人提着礼品探亲访友。很快火车来了,我们开心上了火车,找好座位坐下。我边吃点心边想姥姥她们在做什么。我猜她们一定在准备丰盛的饭菜迎接我们。  到了南京,我们转乘公交回六合。不一会,妈妈的手机响了,原来是舅舅打来的,说要开车接我们。公交车一到站,我就看见了舅舅的小轿车。我赶紧下车跑向舅舅,我大声说:“舅舅新年好”,舅舅满脸笑容地说:“新年好,新年好”。  我们上了车,舅舅边与我们聊天边熟练地开着车。  一路上,放眼望去,连绵起伏的上丘,弯弯的小河,流淌着清清的河水,还有那种满庄稼的田野,一眼望去,绿油油的,妈妈说是小麦油菜。真是看也看不完。小车沿着弯弯曲曲的山路,又经过一段水库大堤坝,不一会就到了姥姥家。姥姥已在门口等我们。一下车,我就向我敬爱的姥姥跑去,大声说:“姥姥新年好!”。然后,我们进门把行李放到姥姥的房间。  过了一会,邻居听说姥姥家苏州的小姑娘来了,都跑过来看我。认识我的都说我比以前长高了,更漂亮了。不认识的说这小姑娘从哪来,真漂亮,个子这么高,肯定有十多岁吧,妈妈说:“过了年,虚9岁。”大家大吃一惊,九岁这么高!  又过了一会,最疼爱我的大姐来了。大姐说:“哎呀,靛靛长这么高了,变成美少女了,我都快认不出来”。然后我们一起到表哥开的玩具厂参观。玩具厂挺大的,里面有很多玩具,表哥从陈列样品的柜子里拿出一个布娃娃送给我。  晚上,姥姥找我们吃饭了,姥姥已经作好了一桌子香喷喷的菜,所有的人都开心,边吃边聊,大人们聊生意,工作。表哥聊学习,鼓励我要好好学,特别是外语,以后用处大。只有从小学好,才能找好工作。我似懂非懂,想起爸爸妈妈平时说的,我想以后一定要认真学习!The happiest day of Chinese New Year
Spring arrived, my father and grandmother at home mom ready to go New Year. Today is my happiest day because I want to see the grandmother had not seen for half a year, I miss her. Mom said, I gave birth and has been a grandma with a big, until last year and only returned home grandmother. The relationship between me and grandma Ke Hao, and she was very hurt me. Today, at last see her. I have written during the Spring Festival of the operation, and had a jolly New Year's preparations.
New Year two, we got up early in the morning, and put on new clothes, are all geared up, we set out. To the train station, I saw a lot of people picked up gifts for visiting relatives and friends. Soon the train came, and we are happy on the train, looking for a good seat to sit down. I would like to grandma eating snacks while they are doing. I guess they must have been preparing sumptuous meals to meet us.
To Nanjing, we ride buses back to Kuni. Within a short while, Mom's cell phone rang, and was originally called the uncle that they have to drive to meet us. Bus 1 arrival, I saw uncle's cars. I quickly ran off uncle, I loudly said: "My uncle Happy New Year", uncle, all smiles, said: "Happy New Year, Happy New Year."
We got on, uncle, while chatting with us while skillfully drove.
Along the way, looking ahead, on the rolling hills, winding river, the river flowing Qingqing, as well as that over crop fields, one looked, green, wheat, rape his mother said. Really look at is also endless. Car along a winding mountain road, then after a period of major dam reservoir, a short while went to the grandmother at home. Grandma has been waiting for us at the gate. The car, I ran to my beloved grandmother and says loudly: "Grandma Happy New Year!." Then, we put the luggage door grandmother's room.
After a while, neighbors heard the girl to her grandmother at home in Suzhou, and were coming over to see me. Who know me say that I like tall, and even more beautiful. Say that this little girl did not know where he comes from, I really beautiful, tall so high, there must be more than 10-year-old bar, my mother said: "Once a year, virtual nine-year-old." We shocked the age of nine so high!
Also after a while, the most loving of my eldest sister came. Sister, said: "Oh, indigo indigo longer so high, and became the United States girls, and I have almost not recognize them." Then we went to the cousin, opened a toy factory visit. Toy factory getting bigger, and there was a lot of toys, cousin from the display cabinet where the samples come up with a doll given to me.
Evening, grandma come to us for dinner, and her grandmother are now ready to table a tasty dish, all the people are happy, drink and chat for adults talked business, work. Cousin chatted study, encouraged me to better eager to learn, especially foreign languages, and the future use big. Only an early age to learn in order to find a good job. I Sidongfeidong, I think of Mom and Dad usually said, I think we must seriously study the future!
第1个回答  2013-09-12