

The company was formally established in 2010 April, is a focus on high-end mobile Internet Co independent research and development of intelligent mobile phone.
Millet mobile phone, MIUI, m chat is the three core businesses of millet company. "Born" to have a fever is millet product concept. The company pioneered the use ofthe Internet to develop mobile phone operating system,model 600000 fancier to participate in the development ofimproved model.
At present, millet mobile phone domestic market share has reached more than 8%, the company last year releasedfour intelligent mobile phone made close to 19000000 units sold, the growth rate of more than 150%, the number oftens of millions of fans.
Millet mainly by senior staff from Microsoft, Google,Jinshan, MOTO and other domestic and international IT company formed, millet people like innovation, fast Internetculture. Millet refused to mediocrity, millet people can make you feel their ideas at any time. Here the team, not a longboring meeting and the process, every millet people inpartnership working atmosphere of equality, relaxed, enjoywith technologies, products, design and other top talentjoint venture growth of pleasure.
第1个回答  2014-02-14
M company was formally established in 2010 April, is a focus on high-end mobile Internet Co independent research and development of intelligent mobile phone.
Millet mobile phone, MIUI, m chat is the three core businesses of millet company."Born" to have a fever is millet product concept. The company pioneered the use ofthe Internet to develop mobile phone operating system, model 600000 fancier to participate in the development of improved model.
At present, millet mobile phone domestic market share has reached more than 8%,the company last year released four intelligent mobile phone made close to 19000000 units sold, the growth rate of more than 150%, the number of tens of millions of fans.
Millet mainly by senior staff from Microsoft, Google, Jinshan, MOTO and other domestic and international IT company formed, millet people like innovation, fast Internet culture. Millet refused to mediocrity, millet people can make you feel theirideas at any time. Here the team, not a long boring meeting and the process, everymillet people in partnership working atmosphere of equality, relaxed, enjoy with technologies, products, design and other top talent joint venture growth of pleasure.
