面对困难~~英语作文拜托了各位 谢谢

比如一天爸妈不在家 自己面对做饭的困难 学习上的困难 急需 求求各位学哥学姐了

when confronted with difficulty, most important of all is to calm down first! Think it over and probably we will find the way out. This is my own experience when facing a difficult situation. Life is full of ups and downs, what we need to do is to be prepared for everything unexpected! Take one of my story as an example. When I was still a primary school student, I prefered to go out without asking for permission from my parents. I just enjoyed the feeling of wandering aroud,with the purpose of looking for something excited. Most of the time I indulged in playing and virtually forgot the time.So, at last I got lost and didn't know where to find my way home. As the time went by, I became more and more frightened.Not knowing what to do at the very beginning, I felt like a cry.But I held back because my father always asks me to be confident and never give up when in a difficult situation. Therefore, I began to calm down first and gradually took pains to remember the places I had visited before, with the help of those kindhearted people around, I finally find my way home, even though the whole journey was filled with uncertain feeling. It has been more than a decade and whenver I think of this experience I hardly hold back my true feeling. I always proud of my having been confident enough when confronted with difficulty and being active to handle the problem at hand. Remember, when in a difficult, being confident and you will find the way!
第1个回答  2014-06-19
My parents went out yesterday, they visited their friend who lived far away from us, so they wouldn't come back until night. I had to cook for myself and I couldn't ask them my question in my homework. However, I had to face the difficulties, so I search the information on the internet. Then I'm very happy that I sovled the problems sucessdully by myself.