
We should speak to old people politely.
Linda got a bike as a prezent form her mother.

1 Old people should be spoken politely by us .
2 A bike was given to Linda as a present by her mother.
Linda was given a bike as a present by her mother .

被 动 语 态
一 构成:be + P.P. (过去分词)
⑴ 一般现在时: am / is / are + P.P.
⑵ 一般过去时: was / were + P.P.
⑶ 现在进行时: am / is / are + being + P.P.
⑷ 过去进行时: was / were + being + P.P.
⑸ 一般将来时: will / shall + be + P.P.
⑹ 过去将来时: would / should + be + P.P.
⑺ 现在完成时: have / has + been + P.P.
⑻ 过去完成时: had + been + P.P.

二 用法:
⑴ 不知道或者没有必要知道动作的执行者是谁。
The book is written for children .
⑵ 谈话的中心是动作的承受者。
My bike was stolen .
His wallet has been stolen .
⑶ 为了出于礼貌,或者不愿意说出动作的执行者是谁。
It’s hoped that you will have a chance to visit our country .
I was told that Tom had stolen the book .
⑷ 汉语中有一类句子不出现主语,翻译成英语时,要用被动语态。
1. It is said that … 据说 …
2. It is generally accepted that … 普遍认为 …
3. It will be said that … 有人会说 …
4. It well know that … 众所周知 …
5. It is generally considered that … 大家认为 …
6. It is believed that … 有人相信 …
7. It is learned that … 据闻(悉) …
8. It is reported that … 据报导 …
9. It will be seen from this that … 由此可见 …
10. It must be pointed out that … 必须指出 …
11. It should be said that … 应该说 …
12. It is supposed that … 据推测 …
13. It may be confirmed that … 可以肯定 …
14. It is estimated that … 据估计 …
15. It is considered that … 人们认为 …
16. It will be seen that … 可见;可以看出 …
17. It must be admitted that … 必须承认 …
18. It is understood that … 不用说谁都知道 …
19. It can’t be denied that … 无可否认 …
20. It has been proved that … 已经证明 …
21. It may be safely said that … 可以有把握地说 …
22. It is expected / hoped that … 人们希望 …
23. It is sometime asked that … 人们有时会问 …
24. It is asserted that … 有人主张 …

三 一些特殊的被动结构
(1) 带复合宾语的动词在变成被动语态室,一般把主动结构中的宾语改成主语,宾语补足语保留在谓语后面。
 We always keep the room clean . --------- The room is always kept clean .
(2) 主动形式表示被动意义
1. 动词want , need , require , deserve , 等后面用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。
 The children need looking after . 孩子们需要照顾。
 The window wants / requires repairing . 窗户需要修理。
 This point deserves mentioning . 这一点值得一提。
2. 形容词worth 后面加动名词的主动形式,表示被动的意义。
 The book is worth reading . 这本书值得一读。
3. 有些不及物动词和副词well , easily , 等连用时,如clean , cut , cook , burn , draw , play , read , sell , wash , write , 等
 The cloth washes / sells well . 这布很经洗(很畅销)。
 The third act plays well . 第三幕演得好。
 The poem reads smoothly . 这首诗读起来很流畅。
4. 有些不及物动词与can’t , won’t 等连用时, 如act , keep , lock , move , open , shut 等
 The play won’t act . 这戏不宜上演。
 In warm weather meat and fish won’t keep long . 天气暖了,鱼就存放不久。
5. 表示“开始,结束”的动词,如begin , start , close , end , open 等
 The museum opens at 8 o’clock . 博物馆8点开门。
 The store closes at 10 p.m. . 商店晚上10点关门。
6. 某些作表语的形容词后面,用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。
 The fish is not fit to eat . 这鱼不适合吃。
 This kind of book isn’t fit to read . 这种书不适合看。
7. 某些感官动词和系动词,如feel , look , prove , smell , sound , taste , wear 等与形容词连用时。
 The water feels very cold . 这水摸起来很冷。
 The dish tastes delicious . 这菜尝起来很可口。
(3) 以下动词构成的句子不能改成被动句。
1. 动词leave , enter , reach 等的宾语是表示处所,地点(国家,团体,组织,军队)等。
2. 表示状态的动词,如become , benefit , cost , contain , equal , fit , fail , have , lack , last m mean , suit , look , like 等
3. 下列不及物动词及短语动词:appear , belong to , break out , die , happen , lie , occur , rise , take place , agree with , consist of , have on , keep up with 以及一些固定的词组:keep words , lose heart , make a face 等
4. 宾语是反身代词 ,相互代词,同源宾语,不定式,动词—ing 形式,抽象名词等。
第1个回答  2006-03-22
The old people should be spoken politely by us.

A bike was sent to Linda as a prezent form her mother.


A bike was got as a prezent form Linda's mother本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2006-03-22
Old people should be spoken to politely.(省us)
A bike was given to Linda as a present from her mother.
第3个回答  2006-03-22
Old people should be spoken politely (by us).
A bike was given as a prezent for Linda'mother by Linda.
第4个回答  2006-03-22
Old people should be spoken politely by us.

A bike was got to Linda as a prezent from her mother.