要准备一个英语演讲 主题要是有关中国特色文化的主题


Chinese culture is broad and profound, has a long history.The agricultural culture
reflects the ancient people's diligence and wisdom.
agricultural technology mainstream is intensive cultivation.
NiuGeng the use of technology, human society entered the era of civilization must be a mark.
In our country, NiuGeng the use of technology, started in the spring and autumn period and the warring states period. In the spring and autumn and the warring states, China's entry into the iron age, the emergence of iron tools and NiuGeng the use of technology, greatly save the social labor, enlarge production scale, promote the development of social productive forces, and promoted the transformation of the social system, urges the slavery society to the feudal society social system transformation.
to crop production as the center, agriculture and animal husbandry combination, comprehensive management of the agricultural and nomadic to give priority to the broad masses of the pastoral areas coexist and complement each other .
regional ethnic agricultural development is not balanced.
In a word,Ancient Chinese agriculture is in these different types of agricultural culture of mutual communication and fusion of forward development.