初三语文上册 24课 《出师表》 翻译,谁帮我翻译


  先帝知臣谨慎,故临崩寄臣以大事也。受命以来,夙夜忧叹,恐托付不效,以伤先帝之明,故五月渡泸,深入不毛。今南方已定,兵甲已足,当奖率三军,北定中原,庶竭驽钝,攘除奸凶,兴复汉室,还于旧都。此臣所以报先帝而忠陛下之职分也。至于斟酌损益 ,进尽忠言,则攸之、祎、允之任也。
"The model"
First emperor not half and the middle road venture Cu collapse, three points today, yizhou exhausted the disadvantages, and the sincere critical the autumn of survival. But the princes of the guards in unremitting, loyal and volunteers in the body of the left, with the first emperor's cover when, to quote to your majesty. Honesty is holy to open, and light first emperor's testament, draws the breath of the person, not undermine your worth by comparing yourself to lead yu righteousness lost to plug the road bigan died also.
Palaces in the house, all for one, the Zhi penalty the comments on different, unfavorable similarities and differences. If there is ZuoGanFanKe and good for loyalty, appropriate pay of its punishment to admire the ticket in witness thereof, your majesty right of the citizens, unfavorable favoritism, make the inside and outside also of the vision.
Page ShiLang guo, manage, FeiYi, such as the DongYun, this is good solid, volunteers were loyal pure, is the first emperor Jane to pull off your majesty. Wise thought of palace, ShiWuDaXiao, bore to the client, then performed, will be able to BiBu que leak, have wide interests.
The general to pets, accomplishment, sex are, XiaoChang military, try out at once, the first emperor called yue can, is for them against the pet for. Wise thought camp, to the client note, will make the trip array can live in peace, which merits.
Kiss good minister, far a mean person, the first Chinese so is thriving also; Pro SIMS, far Yin subject, and then pour han so overcame also. The first emperor, each of the matter and subject, did not hate YuHuan, spirit also sigh. Shi, long history, to join the army, and so on, the good it minister fiona were dead section, let your majesty kiss of faith, is the han room long, can plan for day and also.
I this cloth, GongGeng in nanyang, GouQuan lives in troubled times, BuQiuWenDa in governors. I don't mean to first emperor, Wei from waste bend and three GuChen in grass of scarce, client to the other contemporary, by is grateful, hence XuXian emperor to flooding chi. Value after the overthrow, to be appointed as the debacle, were ordered in danger, between a year's 20 to do.
The emperor knows first minister careful, so I send the collapse in important event also. Since the mandated, SuYe sorrow sigh, fear not entrust effect, wound the first emperor Ming, so may come filter, the thorough barren. Today the south have already set BingJia is enough, when armed forces award rate, north central plains will succeed NuDun fountain, RangChu GanXiong, xing after han room, also in JiuDou. The minister for emperor loyalty first and so your majesty of the office also. As for referring to the profit and loss, and into all advice, the health of the Yi, azerbaijan, as also.
Let your majesty's minister for a thief to the complex effect, not effect, the minister for the crime, tell of the spirit of the first emperor. Without the words of Germany, the responsibility of health, Yi, azerbaijan and slow to blame the public; Your majesty also should seek to Zou clients good way, ChaNaYaYan. First YiZhao deep after emperor, I would be well appreciated.
Today when away from, the table tears, don't know said.Discussion and practice
A, this language feeling earnestly, and touching. Reference example, posted a pause in the statement. To read and to recite the text.
Example: the first emperor venture not half/and the middle road caved Cu, today/all three points, yizhou/exhausted the disadvantages, and the sincere/critical the autumn of survival.
1. But the guards in it minister unremitting, loyal and volunteers in the body of the left, with the first emperor's cover when, to quote to your majesty.
2. If there is ZuoGanFanKe and good for loyalty, appropriate pay of its punishment to admire the ticket in witness thereof, your majesty right of the citizens, unfavorable favoritism, make the inside and outside also of the vision.
3. In ShiLang guo togeher page, the FeiYi, DongYun, etc, this is good solid, volunteers were loyal pure, is the first emperor Jane to pull off your majesty.
4. Wise thought of camp, to the client note, will make the trip array can live in peace, which merits.
Second, the text is domestic political problem to zhuge liang to save liu chan puts forward several Suggestions which? Which one is the main? Why?
Three, zhuge liang in our country is household names, about his deeds, legends, saying a lot. Extracurricular search relevant material, with "years various ge I address" for write period of composition.
第1个回答  2013-08-24
第2个回答  2013-08-24