求初一下册英语作文:你心目中一定也有崇拜或喜欢的明星吧 ,他/她长得怎么样?是一个怎样的人?请你写

求初一下册英语作文:你心目中一定也有崇拜或喜欢的明星吧 ,他/她长得怎么样?是一个怎样的人?请你写一篇短文,描述一下他/她的外貌,并说明你喜欢他/她的原因,词数60个左右。

Pan Willber is my most loved singer,and his English name is Willber Pan.Willber Pan is a good singer,actor and host .He is very handsome .He speaks Chinense and English very well. Many of his songs are very good.He was born in the United States,but now he lives in Taiwan. He has been very hard, it is worth to learn. His latest alblum is Clown.