
左右的短文。提示1.行走时的安全事项;2.骑自行车时的安全事项;3.乘公共汽车时的安全事项 。参考词汇:pavement(人行道),walk,ride,handlebars(自行车把手),watch ahead,take a bus,traffic,line。

Each student must bear in mind the following travel safety knowledge:
The signal lights flashing, to allow pedestrians; yellow light,no pedestrians, pedestrians, but has entered the sidewalk,may continue to pass; when the red light, no pedestrians;flashing yellow lights, pedestrians shall pass to ensure that the principle of security.
Pedestrian crosswalk signal lamp when the green light is on, to allow pedestrians crossing; green light flashing,pedestrians are not allowed into the crosswalk, but has entered the crosswalk may continue to pass; when the traffic light is red, not into the pedestrian crosswalk.
Pedestrians must abide by the provisions shall be within walking on the sidewalk, there is no sidewalk walking to the right; crossing crosswalks subashiri; through the pedestrian crossing traffic signal control, subject to the provisions of the signal; through no traffic signal control of the sidewalk,to left, right, watch out for cars, not chasing, running; no pedestrian crossing, must go straight through, not in the vehicle when approaching a crossing; a pedestrian bridgeor tunnel, must leave bridge or tunnel crossing the street;do not climb the side of the road and the road guardrail,fence, not on the road to push cart, car chases, forced lanche parabolic blow car or.
When walking, what the most dangerous?
(1) crossing the road is easy to danger.
(2) in groups of three and four sideways in the nonsidewalk, so the most prone to traffic accidents.
(3), rush later, few vehicles on the road, because the roadbecause few people lean thinking of paralysis. Paralysisand paralysis is dangerous.
(4) walk bent on dual-use, walk and read a book, or walkingto the problem, or walking, talking, walking and playing......To do so, may be the car not to hit you, you pour yourselfinto the car, so it is also very dangerous.
(1) which is the road to see the bus before getting on the bus, because the bus station, a few bus is often the same platform, hurried into the car, easily got on the wrong bus.(2) for the car stops to get on or off, the bag is placed on the chest, so as to avoid the bag was squeezed out, or is the door jam. (3) do not squeeze in the car door on the train, go here, see the empty place to stand, and hold the handrail, head, hands, the body can not reach the window,otherwise prone to accidents. (4) by car and politeness, to see the old and sick and pregnant women should take the initiative to a seat. (5) do not read a book when the car,otherwise it will damage the eyes.
China is known as the "bicycle kingdom", is the world has the most national cycling. However, the bicycle has the advantages of simple structure, touched down, poor stability, therefore it is the transport of the weak.
Traffic accident, non motor vehicles (mainly bicycle) the number of injured in the first, the number of casualties in second. In China, children over the age of 12, we canafford a bicycle on the road, and to obey the traffic rules to ride in the slow lane.
The bus should pay attention to what?
1) take public steam (electric) cars, to wait in line, in ordernot to crowded bus. On and off shall and car stop after,after the first, do not fight for.
2) don't take dangerous goods gasoline, firecrackers and other flammable and explosive into the car.
3) ride don't stick your head, hand, arm and hand out of the window, lest be opposite to car or roadside trees andscratch; nor to the window littering, so as not to harm others.
4) to sit tight support good car, no seat, to feet apart, sidestand, hands should hold the handrail, so as to avoid the vehicle emergency braking fall injuries.
第1个回答  2014-02-08
Do you know how to keep safe when you reavel? Now let me tell you some rules to follow.
First, when you walk, try to walk on the pavements. Do not walk on the traffic lines.It's dangerous. Second, while you are riding a bike, watch head all the time. Do not ride without your hands on the handlebars. Third, when you take a bus, make sure there are not too many people in the bus.
If you can pay attention to these rules. ou will be safe while travelling.本回答被提问者采纳