

哦,是否该出去活动活动了,别辜负了这片好时光。驱车到了海滩,展现在眼前一片海天相接的景观。远远的,几只渔船随风荡漾,海面掀起一簇簇微波。光着脚丫,踩在沙滩上,走向海边,浪花争吵着向你靠近,浪尖像千万个舌头舔着你的小脚。雇上一只竹排,撑向海中央,一头扎入水中,尽情地游上百米,再浮上水面,望着蓝天白云,沐浴着姣好的阳光,一切一切都已不存在,包绕着你的只有海水,天,阳光......享受着大自然给予的温暖! 天色渐暗,红红的夕阳正一点一点的落入大海,波涛泛起一闪一闪的红光。晚餐时间到了,在附近找一家小酒店,吃一顿海鲜大餐,哇,够鲜,好棒!
With the advent of summer, summer barrier opened!
Summer morning is beautiful. As the eastern sky is not clear when, ran to the balcony, a breath of fresh air, make people feel feel fresh. Wait until the beginning of the sun, took out a book, a tape, enjoy reading, enjoy playing, ear has not noisy hubbub, no car horn sounds strange, only slight morning breeze crooning in your ear, no one bother to go back, do anything to feel comfortable. After a while, distance came the sound of car horn and people's laughter, the day began life......
Summer is the rainy. Look, a roaring, rolled ground, close to us. The sky suddenly dark down, then, under the rain pattering up. The leaves were blowing in the wind, rain and, whining to tear cried; people in the rain, an umbrella, a rapid walk in the rain, naughty children in the way they play, playing, singing, dancing in the rain, let rain beat on them, they were so naive, be light of heart from care, play is so happy, happy. The rain outside increased, at the moment, open the box, put a few favourite song, pick up a pen, a few pieces of the word; or open the piano lid, play some music and beautiful songs, put himself into another mood, have the feeling of retire.
After rain the sky looks blue., a colorful rainbow quietly hanging on the sky, as if set up in two high buildings in Hongqiao, and the hot sun Zhengyan, for the summer with a new color, add vitality to the students during the summer vacation, even the trees are happy to move, enjoying the wonderful fight.
Oh, if the activities out, don't let the good times. Drove to the beach, the display in front of a piece of the sky landscape. So far, several fishing boats waves in the wind, the sea has a microwave. Barefoot, stepping on to the sea on the beach, waves, argued to be near you, wave like thousands of tongue lick your feet. Hire a bamboo raft, support to the central sea, plunge into the water, and to swim hundreds of meters, and floating on the water, watching the blue sky and white clouds, bathed in beautiful sunshine, everything has not existed, wrapped around your only water, day, sunshine... Enjoying the nature warm! The darkening sky, red sunset bit by bit into the sea, the waves on the flashing red light. Dinner time, find a A Small Hotel in the vicinity, eating a seafood dinner, wow, fresh enough,!
As night fell, open the computer, have a look on the Internet news, chat with friends, what is there against it! Summer is a wonderful night, outside the stars wink at you, the bright moon through the clouds, reminds you of Chang moth rushes the month story, the story. Suddenly, a muffled thunder interrupted my thoughts, a bright light into my eyes, I gently close your eyes. I know, tomorrow I is a bright dawn!
第1个回答  2013-09-01
I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays this year. I liked green plants, clear rivers and lovely amimals there.I breathed the fresh air on the mountain and sometimes I went swimming in the river. I kept a diary every day.
I liked not only the scene of the countryside, but also the people there. I helped them to do farm work. I also helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. The children were interested in English. They were good at reading and writing, but did not do well in listening and speaking. I helped them improve their listening and speaking. Their parents thought highly of me. I realized that knowledge is greatly needed in the countryside.
