根据句意和首字母或汉语提示写出单词。(每小题1分,共10分)1. It’s _____________(考虑周到的)of your

根据句意和首字母或汉语提示写出单词。(每小题1分,共10分)1. It’s _____________(考虑周到的)of your parents to bring you some medicine.2. The woman often ___________(争论)with her husband .3. We’re proud that China has_________(成功 )sent up another spaceship in to the sky.4. He is a h___________ teacher, he can make us laugh.5. Do you know that the powerful red ___________(平衡) the colour of white.6. An honest person should keep his p_________.7. I p__________ camping to hiking in the past.8. The leaders always make great___________(决定) to make our country more beautiful.9. He ___________(建议)you to do more exercise. It’s a piece of good __________(建议).

1.thoughtful     2. argues     3.successfully    4. humorous   5. balance
6. promise      7. preferred    8.decisions     9. advised     advice

1. 考虑周到的,应用形容词thoughtful ;
2.短语:和某人争论为argue with sb ,主语为The woman ,often 经常,所以用一般现在时态,谓语动词用单数;
3.题中已有了谓语动词has sent up,所以“成功”应用副词形式successfully ;
4.根据后半句:他会使我们大笑,可推断出他是一个幽默的老师。所以填 humorous;
5.宾语从句中缺少谓语动词,所以应用动词 balance 平衡,权衡;
6.句意为:一个诚实的人应该遵守诺言。Keep one’s promise 遵守诺言;
7.考查短语:prefer doing to doing ,根据in the past,所以应用过去式;
8.做出决定为make a decision ,题中没有冠词a ,所以应用复数形式decisions ;
9.第一空缺少谓语,所以填动词advised ;第二个空应填名词,一条建议为 a piece of advice ;