一篇英语作文(高中水平的) 急需!!!

作文内容大概是这样的: 我是一名普通的学生,虽然我很普通,但是我很有志向,我认为自己将来可以成为一个对社会有用的人,所以,为了这个目标我会努力的学习,长大报答父母,为国家出力.我相信未来的我将会是一个真正的男人,为了这个目标我会努力的证明自己,所以我会拼命的学习考上大学,因为我不是一个农民,农民再穷也有地,实在不行可以回家种地,而我作为一个不富裕的城市家庭的子女,考上大学是我唯一的出路,所以我更会拼命的学习考上大学. 最后我相信"天生我才必有用,千金散尽还复来."这句话,考上理想的大学,成为有用的男人

i'm an ordinary student.though i'm ordinary like many students, i have the ambition that i can grow up to a helpful person so that i can make contributions to our society.

so,to realize my dream and to reach my goal,i must be studying and working hard,so that i can thank my parents who gave birth to me and live me on.with being a useful person ,i can devote my body and soul to our country.i believe firmly that i will be a true man in the forseeable future.

to make the dream come true,i will work hard to prove myself that i can make it.i will study by body and soul to go to a good university. i'm not a peasant,as farmers have fields to work in however they are poor,i won't have this channce and the only thing i can do is to go to an university ,with the position as an unwealthy citizen.

i will try my best to grow up to a helpful man,with the opinion that"since i was born i'm useful,i will be happy and work hard in my life"
