

1.Don't tell me you can't remembet.
me是直接宾语,you can't remember是间接宾语从句。同样的句子还有很多,比如,Give me whatever you have; Tell mom I will not be back home for dinner.
2.1. Good to see you again . 2. I am glad I could help. 第一句是什么句型,谓语是哪个?to see 是不定式不能做谓语。第二句是从句吗?什么从句?第一句中省略了主语和谓语,原句应为It is good to see you again.
其中it为形式主语,代替真正主语to see you again,is为系动词。
第二句是复合句,其中省略了从句的引导词,原句应为I am glad that I could help.
这里that引导从句作am glad的宾语,为宾语从句。
3.What we want to say is too much, suddenly we do not know how to say.
What(做say的宾语) we(主语从句的主语) want(主语从句的谓语) to say(动词不定式,和What一起构成短语做主语从句的宾语)(主语从句) is(连系动词) too much(表语), suddenly(副词,状语) we(主语) do not know(谓语) how to say(动词不定式短语,做know的宾语).



  1. 主语+ 不及物动词
例:It is raining heavily.
My tooth aches.

  2. 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语

  例:They enjoy the play.
I met John in the street yesterday.
3. 主语 + 系动词 + 表语
例:He is out.
Jenny is fine.
It looks like rain, soon.
4 主语 + 及物动词 + 双宾语
例:He bought her a watch.
The sun gives us light.
注意:双宾语一个指人(即间接宾语),另一个指物(即直接宾语)。一般间接宾语位于直接宾语的前面,有时它们也可交换位置,这是需要在间接宾语的前面加上介词to 或for 。
常见的双宾语结构:bring sb. sth (bring sth to sb). give sb. sth (give sth to sb.)
hand sb. sth (hand sth to sb.) leave sb. sth (leave sth.to sb)
lend sb. sth (lend sth to sb) pass sb sth (pass sth to sb)
return sb. sth (return sth to sb) send sb sth (send sth to sb)
show sb sth (show sth. to sb.) tell sb sth (tell sth to sb )
sing sb sth (sing sth for sb )
5. 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 + 补足语
例:She found him a very clever student.
I make it a rule to get up early in the morning.

第1个回答  2013-09-05