

第1个回答  2022-05-08
adhesive tape。
Self-Adhesive Printed Cellotape,自粘印刷玻璃纸胶带。Sellotape torn pieces of paper(together),用透明胶带把碎纸粘在一起。
Mend a torn map with Sellotape用透明胶带修补破损的地图。The kidnapped girl's hands were tied and her mouth taped with adhesive plaster。这个被绑架的姑娘双手被捆着,嘴也被胶带粘着。This knob is only held on by sellotape。这个旋钮只是用透明胶带固定住的。For a long time, I watched them scurrying around the base of the tree in bewilderment。在很长一段时间里,我看见蚂蚁还在围着胶带团团转,不知所措。sellotape and xerox but not Marmite它有sellotape(透明胶带),xerox(静电复印),却没有Marmite(曲精)Masking tape: A translucent, light-blocking red adhesive tape for masking out the protected areas on film。遮光胶纸(红胶纸):在菲林片上,遮盖保护范围用的半透明但遮光的红色有粘性胶带。Sellotape a notice to the wall用胶带把通知贴在墙上。I need two strips of adhesive tape。我要两条粘胶带。tape是什么意思n. 带子;终点线;胶带;磁带v. 用带子绑起,用胶布把粘牢;录音。to breast the tape冲过终点线magnetic tape transport磁带走带机构,tape transport mechanism走带机构,Who is the first to breast the tape?谁第一个到终点的?We have taped the wedding ceremony我们已经给婚礼录了像。